Mr. Frelinghuysen to Mr. S. L. Phelps.
Washington, December 18, 1884.
Sir: The President is surprised to learn by your dispatch No. 175 that no apparent action had been taken by the Government of His Excellency the President of Peru in the direction of apprehending and bringing to condign punishment the man who, in the uniform and the ranks of the army of that Government, wantonly, on the 27th day of September last, shot dead on his premises, utterly without warrant or provocation, the United States citizen, Owen Young.
It is unnecessary to recapitulate the facts of the case, since they are not only familiar to you, but have been, in due form, fully communicated by you to His Excellency’s Government. It is hoped and believed that by the time this instruction reaches you the action which this Government looks for in the case will have been taken, so far as the condemnation and execution of the assassin are concerned; but if not you are requested to read this communication to the minister of foreign affairs, and to leave with him a copy if desired.
The question of indemnity to the family of the deceased is reserved.
I am, &c.,