Mr. Bayard to Mr. Cheng Tsao Ju.
Washington, September 11, 1885.
Sir: I have had the honor to receive through the courtesy of Mr. Tsai Kwok Ching, the first secretary of the legation of China here, your note, of to day’s date, in regard to the recent attack on His Majesty’s subjects at Rock Springs, Wyoming Territory, and the efforts you contemplate making by sending Col. Frederick A. Bee and Mr. Huang Sih Chuen, with Tseng Hoy, as interpreter, to that place to investigate and make report as to the facts.
It will give me much pleasure to aid you in this matter by all means within my power, and to that end, upon being notified of your legation’s approach, two officers of the United States Army will meet Colonel Bee and his colleagues at Ogden City, Utah, and will accompany them to Rock Springs and the scene of the late disturbance, and will remain with them, giving them all aid and protection in the prosecution of the thorough investigation of the most regretable assault upon the Chinese laborers.
Accept, sir, &c.,