No. 93.
Mr. Morton to Mr. Frelinghuysen.

No. 500.]


* * * * * * *

I am happy to add, that the French Academy of Medicine has, with but one dissentient voice, voted that the Government may, without injury to the public health, withdraw the decree prohibiting the importation [Page 142] of American salted meats. Herewith yon will find a printed slip giving the substance of their answer to the question propounded by the Government. I was informed, by a member of the Academy, some days since, of the probable result of the inquiry.

Mr. Ferry also made renewed inquiry regarding steps which had been taken to inaugurate American Federal inspection, the adoption of which system, he believes, would be the most satisfactory solution of the controversy.

I have, &c.,

[Inclosure in No. 500.]

the latest views on pork.

The following are the answers of the French Academy of Medicine to the questions of the minister of commerce on the subject of the importation of foreign meat:

The symptoms of typhoid and trichinosis are so dissimilar in every respect that one epidemic could never be mistaken for the other.
The importation of foreign salt pork may be fearlessly authorized by the French Government, as it is clearly proved that no danger to public health has been caused by such importation.
Special international laws ought to be enacted by which guarantees against the importation of diseased meat may be made.
Possible instructions should be distributed to all vendors of foreign pork, who ought to be forced by law to hang them up in their shops in the same way that wineshop keepers exhibit the statutes of the “Loi d’ivresse publique.”