No. 85.
Mr. Frelinghuysen to Mr. Morton.

No. 413.]

Sir: For your information I send herewith copies of telegrams received from Chicago on the recent vote in the French Chamber of Deputies reinstating prohibition of importation of American hog products:

Chicago, December 26, 1883.

Hon. Fred’k T. Frelinghuysen,
Secretary of State, Washington:

The recent vote in French Chamber of Deputies reinstating prohibition of importation of American hog products is as you are aware a serious blow to the provision inter-tests of the whole country as well as those of the farmers of the Northwest.

Understanding that the French Government is favorable to the withdrawal of the prohibitory decree, and believing that Congress when reassembled will define a retaliatory policy, we ask that you will instruct our minister to France to work with utmost energy, to bring about repeal of decree, intimating, if you think proper, that such action by Congress is probable. This we know would be of greatest value and would undoubtedly produce most favorable results.


Chicago, December 27, 1883.

Hon. Fred’k T. Frelinghuysen,
Secretary of State, Washington:

I earnestly urge your special attention to the dispatch sent you by Armour & Co., of this city, regarding the French prohibition of hog products. If continued it will be a serious blow to American capital and a heavy loss to our manufacturing and farming interests.

Prompt action seems to me necessary.


I am, &c.,