No. 72.
Mr. Frelinghuysen to Mr. Foote.

No. 31.]

Sir.: Recently, at the instance of the President, I tendered to Min Yong Ik, of the late Chosunese embassy to this Government, and two of his suite whom he should select, passage to Corea on board of the United States ship Trenton, which is soon to depart for eastern waters. The offer was duly accepted by the minister, and I have now to advise you of the receipt of a letter from the Secretary of the Navy of the 3d instant, in which he states that directions have been given to Capt. E. L. Phythian, commanding that vessel, to establish a general cabin mess, to be presided over by himself, for the purpose of caring for the Corean minister and suite while on board of the Trenton, the expense of which will be paid from the contingent appropriation for the Navy.

I am, &c.,