No. 50.
Mr. Frelinghuysen to Mr. Young.

No. 322.]

Sir: I herewith transmit, for your information, the inclosed copy of a note* from the minister of China here, of the 12th ultimo, complaining that a party of Chinese laborers bound for British Columbia, and who arrived at San Francisco in the steamer Rio de Janeiro June 5 last, had been refused permission to land temporarily by the customs authorities at San Francisco. I add also a copy of my reply addressed to the Chinese charge d’affaires ad interim.

I have transmitted copies of this correspondence to the Secretary of the Treasury, inviting his attention to section 4 of the amendatory act of July 5, 1884, and asking that, in accordance with its provisions, his Department would, after receiving the opinion of the Attorney-General, to whom I have referred the matter to ascertain the rights of Chinese laborers in transitu, in view of the recent legislation, formulate the necessary certificate permitting privileged Chinese subjects to go from and come to the United States.

Upon receiving the opinion of the Attorney-General I shall have pleasure in apprising you of its purport. Meanwhile I add, for such use as you may find needful, a dozen copies of the act of July 5, 1884.

I am, &c.,

  1. For note referred to see page 109.