No. 389.
Mr. Frelinghuysen to Mr. Valera.

Sir: I have the honor to acquaint you with a suggestion made to me by the Attorney General in view of the investigation now in progress at New York touching the alleged fabrication of dynamite there in aid of revolutionary enterprises directed against Cuba. The United States attorney at New York, Mr. Elihu Root, intimates that his investigation might be much facilitated were he authorized to communicate directly with the consul-general of Spain in that city, informing him of the nature of the instructions under which he is acting and receiving from the consul-general the specific information which the consul may possess or be able to obtain as to the alleged preparations.

I have requested Mr. Brewster to so instruct Mr. Root, and I have the honor to inform you of this action, to the end that you may, if necessary, authorize and direct the consul general at New York to frankly communicate to the United States attorney whatever information he may possess tending to subserve the ends of justice in this matter.

Accept, &c.,