No. 381.
Mr. Frelinghuysen to Mr. Valera.

Sir: Referring to your recent note concerning the shipment of explosives for use in Cuba, &c., I have the honor to say that the Attorney General, on receipt of the information communicated in your note, at once telegraphed to the United States district attorneys at New York, Mobile, and Key West, to the United States marshal at New Orleans, and to Mr. Blair, the assistant attorney of his Department, now at Key West, instructing them to be vigilant, and to check any operations such as you called attention to.

As to the reported sale of the Crawford, it seems by a letter of the 22d instant from the Treasury Department that the revenue steamer Crawford was recently offered at public sale at Mobile, but as the sum bid was regarded too low, and to avoid any possible question as to her intended use, the gale was set aside.

Accept, &c.,