No. 38.
Mr. Young
to Mr. Frelinghuysen.
Legation of
the United States,
Peking, February 11, 1884.
(Received April 11.)
No. 350.]
Sir: * * * On the 10th of January I was informed by
the British minister, Sir Harry Parkes, and the German chargé d’affaires,
Count Tattenbach, that dispatches had been received from their consuls at
Canton saying that the Chinese authorities were preparing to obstruct the
water approaches to Canton, and that the effect of these obstructions would
be to imperil, if not to prevent, navigation. The German consul reported
that Whampoa would “be totally blocked.”
I telegraphed Mr. Consul Seymour for information, and his reply I inclose.
Mr. Seymour, as you will observe, said that there would be “serious
obstructions without equivalent benefits.”
Two questions arose which in the opinion of the legation required immediate
The first was that by the terms of the treaty of Tien-Tsin, 1858, concluded
between China and the United States, in Article XXVI, United States vessels,
in the event of war between China and other powers, were to have free access
and egress in the open ports. “It is further agreed,” says the treaty, “that
in case, at any time hereafter, China shall be at war with any foreign
nation whatever, and should for that cause exclude such nation from entering
her ports, still the vessels of the United States shall not the less
continue to pursue their commerce in freedom and security, and to transport
goods to and from the ports of the belligerent powers,” &c.
The second was that the Chinese authorities, in a time of peace, were
performing a belligerent act directed against the commerce of friendly
powers, an act which if permitted at Canton would stand as a precedent for
closing every port in China.
I was not disposed to lay much stress upon the first of these propositions,
[Page 67]
or even to make it a matter of
serious debate with the Government without asking for your special
instructions. To be sure, the stipulations of the treaty are plain. It was
made, however, in 1858. Since then the methods of offensive and defensive
warfare have been revolutionized. The United States, during the rebellion,
saw fit to obstruct the channels in Charleston harbor by sinking ships laden
with stone, to secure an effective blockade. Germany, during her latest war
with France, protected her Baltic ports with torpedoes. I should have felt
some embarrassment in seeking to persuade the yamên that what Germany and
the United States regarded as honorable warfare could not be permitted to
At all events, I should have deemed it wise, before making any representation
to the yamem, to have asked the Department for further instructions as to
how far my Government was disposed to assert our rights under the article I
have quoted.
As to the second proposition, I could see no doubt as to my immediate duty.
The situation was this: The viceroy of two provinces, a local official, upon
his own responsibility, without asking the orders of his Government and
without any communication to the foreign powers of such a contemplated act,
proposed to do what could only be regarded as an extreme and supreme measure
of war, namely, to close a port open to us by the treaties. This was to be
done when China was at peace, and before any declaration of war, or even an
intention so to declare, had been published. If the obstruction of Canton,
under these circumstances, was permitted, without a prompt and decisive
protest, there would be no reason why this or a subsequent Government, the
Canton viceroy, or the ruler of other provinces should not obstruct and
close every port in China. And while it might be said that motives of
self-interest and the natural desire of the Chinese to profit out of foreign
commerce would render such apprehensions improbable, yet one can never cease
to remember that in China there is a powerful and what some observers regard
a dominant anti-foreign sentiment, which would regard such a measure as
excluding all foreigners from the Empire as an act of the highest
The question was one which under ordinary circumstances I should have
submitted to the diplomatic body. But on account of the relations between
China and France, I believed, on reflection, that separate action, and
especially in my own capacity as the American representative, would be the
most effective in securing the ends of peace. With this view I requested an
interview with the ministers of the yamiên. The result was a long
conversation, a report of which is inclosed.
It would be superfluous to repeat what is written with so much detail in this
* * * * * * *
There were two points which I especially urged upon the ministers in my
conversation. The first was that I came in neither a complaining nor an
unfriendly spirit, but to advise their excellencies as to the impropriety of
the action taken by the Canton viceroy. And in making this statement I knew
that I was expressing the feeling of Sir Harry Parkes and Count Tattenbach.
We had no disposition to embarrass China, or even appear to censure an
official for doing what he deemed best to defend his country. But, and this
was the second point of my argument, we were doing China an office of
courtesy. It was her interest, even should there be war, not to throw aside
the benefits which international law secures to belligerent powers.
Supposing events with France were to impose upon China a supreme
contingency, the first duty
[Page 68]
Chinese statesmanship would be to seek the good will of the powers which had
no concern in the enterprises and adventures of France. The measure proposed
at Canton was aimed at all nations holding commercial relations with China,
and not merely France alone. It was, as Mr. Consul Seymour reported, a
measure of doubtful utility; to quote his exact words, resulting in “serious
obstructions without equivalent benefits.” It would only irritate friendly
powers who were bound to protect their commerce and their people, and who
could not under any circumstances consent to the abrogation of a treaty by a
provincial official.
To these and correlative arguments which I pressed upon their excellencies
again and again during a long conversation, they replied with a rude logic
which was not without force. “If,” they said in substance, “the western
powers are well disposed towards China, if your Government is, as you say,
friendly, why do you not interfere and compel France to cease her assaults’?
If America is China’s true friend, why docs she not show her friendship in
this hour of emergency? Here comes the robber with torch and steel to invade
our house. You are our guests. Why will you not assist us in keeping the
robber out? China has made other nations rich with her trade. She longs to
pursue that beneficent pursuit. Why should not those who share these
benefits make some return?”
It was not difficult to see that other arguments animated the yamên, and in
presenting this view of the case I think I am giving the principles
underlying the present policy of China towards foreign powers. “Why,” they
say, “should China, under any circumstances, make war? Why not compel the
foreigner to do so? Great Britain, Germany, Russia, the United States, are
dying for our trade. They know that it is an essential factor in their
commercial greatness. Without our silk, our tea, and so on, they would be
poor indeed. They are great powers, with guns and ships and torpedoes and
other inventions. Why, therefore, is it not the highest wisdom to impress
upon these nations the peril involved in the withdrawal of the Chinese
trade, and thus compel them to save China from the invader?”
This theory, deeply rooted in the minds of the ministers and adverted to
again and again, as the Department will note in my conversation with their
excellencies, made it difficult to come to an understanding, or to divest
any advice that could be given as to the impropriety of proceedings like
those complained of at Canton of the suspicion of insincerity. If we were
friends to China, we should show the efficiency of that friendship by
controlling France. There was also the further proposition that China was
justified in taking any step to protect her soil. This was the sovereign
right of self-preservation. It was difficult to show how, as friendly
powers, we should not aid China in opposing an enemy, or, failing in that,
how we should contest her own right to do so. The only argument that seemed
to make an impression upon the ministers was that China, by doing acts of
war in time of peace, which affected the interests of friendly nations, was
invoking an opposition from those who wished her well, and whose friendship
might not be without its advantages should war ensue with France.
My conversation with the ministers was followed by interviews between them
and the representatives of Great Britain and Germany. A memorandum of these
conversations was given to me by Sir Harry Parkes and Count Tattenbach, and
will be found as inclosures. The Department will observe that the position
assumed by the legation in presenting our case was confirmed by my British
and German colleagues.
[Page 69]
Although we could not induce the yamên to give us a formal withdrawal of
their policy, nor to make any promise that what had been done at Canton
might not be repeated at Shanghai and Tien-Tsin, the practical effect of our
joint action was to arrest the obstructions proposed in Canton, and to show
the Government that we could not permit what had been attempted as a
precedent. I did not feel myself at liberty to go beyond an earnest and at
the same time a friendly protest.
The point at issue was so important, and the possible action of the yamên so
uncertain, that I felt bound to submit it without delay to the Department.
This was also done by the British legation. The dispatch of Sir Harry Parkes
to Lord Granville, and his lordship’s answer, will be found as
I also requested Admiral Davis, now at Shanghai, to have some skilled officer
examine the nature of the proposed obstruction. Such a report would have a
technical value, as that of a professional expert, apart from the judgment
of the consular gentlemen upon whose information we act.
The correspondence is herewith submitted to the Department. I am persuaded
that you will agree with me that, considering, on the one hand, our rights
under the treaties, and, on the other, the practical embarrassments which
confronted China, wishing under no circumstances to appear harsh and stern,
the position taken by the yamên made our duty clear; that this duty was to
protest against a grave violation of treaties and of international law. I
endeavored to do so in a way that would show the ministers that no nation,
under existing forms of civilized society, could venture upon deeds of this
nature without doing herself in the end a grave injury; that treaties and
international law were made for the common welfare of mankind, and that in
their sanctity China had no small share.
To have overlooked the action of the Canton viceroy, to have permitted a
precedent which at any time, under the reactionary influences possible in
China, would have fatally wounded every foreign interest, would, in my
opinion, have been a serious neglect of duty. I trust that the action of the
legation will meet with your approval.
I have, &c.,
[Inclosure 1 in No. 350.]
Memorandum of a conversation between Mr. Young and
the ministers of the tsung-li yamên, January 14, 1884.
Mr. Young, after the exchange of the-usual courtesies, said to their
excellencies that he wished to confer with them in reference to
circumstances at Canton as reported to the legation by Mr. Consul
Seymour, and to the British and German legations, likewise, by their
consular representatives. From these telegrams, the contents of which he
submitted to their excellencies, it would appear that the viceroy at
Canton had notified the consuls that the river north and south of Dane’s
Island would be blocked by the construction of a wooden bridge, and that
there would be left for navigation an opening in the bridge seventy
Chinese feet, or about eighty feet, in width. The reason assigned for
this measure to the British consul was the necessity of having torpedo
practice. According to the British consul, this opening in the bridge
would be sufficient for the passage of British vessels of war, but
insufficient for usual navigation. The German consul reported that the
Whampoa and Canton Rivers would be blocked, the one totally, the other
with the exception of the passage referred to. The German consul was of
the opinion that while the steamship navigation would be difficult, ship
navigation would be impossible. The American consul had reported that
the reason given by the viceroy for the proposed blockade was to
[Page 70]
open communication between the
opposite forts and torpedo defenses. In the opinion of the consul, it
would be “a serious obstacle without equivalent benefits.”
Mr. Young said there were two or three considerations of a grave
character which he wished to present to their excellencies. At the same
time he would like to know how far the news that had been received from
these consulates was confirmed by the news in the possession of the
The minister Chang said that the yamên had been told by the viceroy at
Canton of his purpose to build certain defenses covering the approaches
to Canton, and that these defenses would involve a partial obstruction
of the Canton River. But that care would be taken to so build them that
foreign commerce and foreign men-of-war could go to and from Canton in
Mr. Young said that he much regretted that the information he had laid
before their excellencies did not justify this impression. On the
contrary, it was the belief of the consular gentlemen whose telegrams he
quoted that the practical effect of obstructing the channel as proposed
would be to close the port of Whampoa and practically seal up Canton.
“Mr. Seymour,” continued Mr. Young, “expressed also the decided opinion
that it would ‘be a serious obstruction without equivalent
The minister replied that Mr. Seymour’s dispatch seemed to be an
extravagant expression of opinion.
Mr. Young said, as Mr. Seymour had the reputation of holding the
viceroy’s confidence, and had been criticised for what were called his
“Chinese sentiments,” such an expression, deprecating as it did the
viceroy’s action as unnecessary, was entitled to special value. However,
on that point Mr. Young did not lay much stress. He knew that Mr.
Seymour was not an engineer, and he therefore had requested Admiral
Davis to have the character of the proposed obstructions examined by a
competent naval officer. That report would have technical and scientific
value. What Mr. Young wished, however, to point out to their
excellencies was that the Canton viceroy had made a grave error.
- First. The viceroy was committing an act of war in a time of
peace, an act of war against neutral and friendly powers who had
given China no cause for aggression.
- Second. He was violating the treaty in this, that while Canton was
an open port, as provided in Article XIV of the treaty of Tien-Tsin
in 1858, the viceroy proposed to close it.
- Third. That if the Chinese Government claimed the right to close
Canton without due notice to the contracting powers under treaties
now in force, there was no reason why Tien-Tsin, New Chwang,
Shanghai, Ningpo, Foochow, and every open port should not be closed.
This, Mr. Young submitted, involved an assumption of authority on
the part of the Chinese that could find no warrant in the
- Fourth. That regarding the right of China, as a proper means of
defense against an enemy or even as an act of war, to blockade her
harbors and channels by artificial obstructions, there remained the
stipulations in the convention signed between China and the United
States in 1844 and 1858. By Article XXVI of the latter treaty it was
expressly declared “that in case, at any time hereafter, China shall
be at war with any foreign nation whatever, and shall for that cause
exclude such nation from entering her ports, still the vessels of
the United States shall not the less continue to pursue their
commerce in freedom and security and to transport goods to and from
the ports of belligerent powers, full respect being paid to the
neutrality of the United States.” To this were added certain
restrictions preventing our ships under these circumstances from
giving aid to the belligerents against China.
- Fifth. That while the viceroy was doing an illegal act, and,
according to friendly authorities, an act of questionable advantage
to the defenses of Canton, he was adding to the cares and
perplexities of the Government by creating an issue which could by
no possibility strengthen Chinese relations with friendly
The ministers said that “we must regard what was done in Canton as the
act of a local official charged with the defense of that port, that he
was entitled to defend it in his own way, and that if the yamên were to
hamper him with objections and instructions, and if by any chance there
resulted mischief to Canton, the yamên and not the viceroy would be
answerable to the Emperor with their heads.”
Mr. Young answered that this was a proposition which could not be
accepted for a moment. The foreign ministers were not accredited to the
Canton viceroy, but the Emperor of China, and they must transact their
business with the ministers of His Majesty.
The ministers then replied that the yamên were willing to accept the
responsibility of the viceroy’s acts and to defend them upon the highest
grounds, namely, the necessity of self-protection. China was now
attacked by a foreign power.
“By what power?” Mr. Young inquired.
“If you are at war with France,” Mr. Young answered, “why not give the
powers notice, so that our Governments can act accordingly? But I do not
know that you are at war with France. On the contrary, I am bound to
consider the relations between
[Page 71]
France and China unbroken, especially as I know that Prince Kung paid
his annual visit of courtesy and friendship to the French legation a few
days ago, and I saw the French flag flying over the French legation an
hour ago.”
“But,” said the ministers, with some warmth, “the world knows, the
diplomatic body knows, that France is at war with China. Hanoi has been
taken, Santoi has fallen; French troops are fighting Chinese troops in
Tonquin, a Chinese dependency. If you find ground for complaint in the
measures of defense at Canton, go to the French, legation.”
Mr. Young replied that he was not accredited to the French legation, but
to the yamên. He wished their excellencies to believe that he did not
come in a complaining mood, or to add to the troubles of the yamên. The
propositions he had presented arose out of a state of affairs for which
the Chinese are responsible, and he was certain the more gravely the
ministers considered them the better it would be for the interests of
“But,” said Chang, “we have had no complaint from the British minister,
none from the German minister. They know what has been done in Canton,
and both ministers consent.”
“I must,” said Mr. Young, “disturb that illusion. These events at Canton
have been the subject of earnest conferences between Sir Harry Parkes,
Count Tattenbach, and myself, and I am speaking with a full knowledge of
their opinions. It was deemed best that I should present to you, in the
friendliest and at the same time the most earnest way, our objection to
an unfortunate and unlawful policy. I shall not fail to communicate to
Sir Harry Parkes and Count Tattenbach what passes in this
Mr. Young then repeated the case as presented above, and again read the
telegrams detailing what had taken place at Canton.
The ministers, speaking through Chang, then went into an elaborate
exposition of the Chinese side. In the first place, they said, we must
recognize it as a friendly act on the part of the viceroy to notify our
consuls. He had made no such notification to the French.
Mr. Young interposed by saying that there should be no question of
friendliness either on his own part or that of his British and German
colleagues. As for himself, and he knew he might venture to say as much
for his colleagues, they could not approach China in a friendlier spirit
than was now entertained.
The minister Chang continued in a long speech, which assumed the form of
a declamation, interspersed with metaphors and invectives. China was in
the position of a house-owner, a host. This host had three
guests—England, Germany, and America. They were living in happy
communion. Suddenly the host, China, sees a robber come, France. This
robber means to plunder the host, take his life perhaps; it may be,
injure his guests. What should the guests do? Plainly combine and help
the host turn out the robber. That they will not do. The host then
proposes to close one of the doors in his house, Canton, so as to give
the robber one less chance of entrance. And the guests now wish to
interfere, oppose their host’s plans for protecting his house and his
friends, and say that the host shall not hunt and capture the
Mr. Young replied that the illustration was interesting; but it failed in
one essential point—China had not declared France to be “a robber.” When
she did, the guests would do what the laws of nations commanded as just
alike to China and France.
“Why,” said Chang, “do not neutral powers who have large interests in
China, and whose friendship we recognize and accept—why will not
England, Russia, Germany, and America unite and compel the French to
behave towards China? China wants your friendship, wants to trade with
you, wishes you no harm and no harm to France. Why can you not join and
compel France to cease molesting China? Give us a guarantee that you
will do so and there will be no obstructions.”
Mr. Young replied that the action thus proposed was of too grave and
momentous a character to be discussed by any but the rulers of the
nations whose officers were thus invoked. Of course any anxieties their
excellencies might entertain as to the safety of China, or perils
threatening her peace and autonomy, would be heard with sympathy by
friendly powers. But a request like this, even if the granting of it
were feasible, could not but be regarded as an admission of weakness on
the part of China. It was virtually placing China under the protectorate
of the powers named, and Mr. Young did not think their excellencies
craved that position. These powers, each and all of them, had their own
interests to regard, interests in which France was more or less
involved. They were all friends, some allies, of France. The proposed
joint intervention did not come within the range of diplomatic
possibilities, and if the ministers valued Mr. Young’s opinion on the
subject it would be this, that China in making such an appeal was
practically offering to surrender her independence, and to admit that
she could not protect her Empire.
“Again,” said Chang, “what we are doing is in defense of your
Mr. Young said he did not quite see that; but the powers concerned, the
[Page 72]
States certainly, could
defend their own commerce, and China should allow no anxiety of that
kind to disturb her councils.
“You do not,” said Chang, “deny China the right to defend her own
“On the contrary,” Mr. Young answered, “I applaud the right.”
“Then what would you have us do to defend our country? Here is the robber
coming, coming, coming [with much animation of gesture]; we want to keep
him out, we want to close the doors, and you say no! What, under the
same circumstances, would America do?”
“I will tell your excellency,” Mr. Young replied, “what America would do,
what America has done. We should build forts, arm vessels of war, cover
the shores of our harbors with batteries, perfect a torpedo system,
drill soldiers, plan railways and canals for transportation, call out
our people, give them arms, and if the enemy came, fight him. But we
shall never, especially in time of peace, obstruct our natural channels
of commerce, given by Providence for the good of mankind, and of which
there are few enough in the most favored countries. This we should not
do in times of peace, and we should do it with reluctance and only as an
extreme necessity in time of war.”
“But America,” said Chang, “did it as an act of war.”
“As an act of war, yes,” Mr. Young replied. “We did it as an act of war
against an enemy in Charleston. The circumstances there, although I am
speaking to your I excellency from recollection and may not be accurate
in minor details, were these: The United States was at war. Her
belligerent rights were recognized. Blockades were maintained. Fleets
and armies were in motion. The effect of the war was to inflict upon the
people of other nations who needed our products for manufactures,
England especially, great hardships. These hardships were accepted, as
an incident of war, without a protest. We sank ships laden with stones
in the channels leading to Charleston. This we did as an act of war. But
other nations protested that it was a violation of the laws of nations
to seal up permanently a harbor. My Government gave an assurance that
the obstructions would be removed when the war ended, and this was
“China will do the same,” replied Chang.
“But your excellency,” said Mr. Young, “must excuse me if I again, with
some emphasis, call your attention to the divergent circumstances. What
we did as an act of war, and not without protest from friendly nations,
you are doing as an act of peace. Even as a war measure some of the
neutral nations might protest, as they did against the United States. We
certainly should have the right to do so under the twenty-sixth article
of the Tien-Tsin treaty. If other nations have not that same right in
their conventions, the favored-nation clause gives it to them. As a
consequence, even if war were declared, and we entered upon our duties
as neutrals dealing with belligerent powers, the question would still be
open. Undoubtedly China in a state of war would receive from foreign
friendly powers every consideration as to the means she deemed necessary
for self-defense. But supposing the waiving of this article was the
result of the forbearance of friendly powers; supposing obstructing your
rivers was re-graded as within your rights, despite this treaty; you
then might do against an enemy, and not without a protest, what you are
doing now against friends.”
“But how can you call the capture of Hanoi peace?” asked Chang.
“You have not declared war,” said Mr. Young, “and how can we regard it
otherwise than as an act that does not concern you? You have remanded
the whole business to diplomacy; the Chinese minister is in Paris, the
French minister is in Peking. If you are at war, say so, and I will so
inform my Government.”
“We have,” said Chang, “no evil intention to any country but France.”
“Why, then, to annoy France,” Mr. Young asked, “do you an act of
questionable value to China, of little moment to France, and which
compels remonstrance from friendly powers?”
“There is no ground for irritation,” was the reply. “We only block one
channel partly, the other not at all.”
“Our information,” said Mr. Young, “does not sustain that view. Here are
telegrams from three consuls. They agree on one point, namely, that
there is obstruction. Laying that aside, however, without asking whether
the obstruction is small or great, we must come again to the essential
point. If China can in a time of peace obstruct one channel without even
communicating her reasons for so doing to the foreign powers, why may
she not do the same to every port in China? His excellency must
certainly see that to allow this right to go unchallenged is to place
every foreign interest in China at the mercy of any viceroy. You
obstruct Canton to-day; why may not the viceroy Tsao obstruct Shanghai
next day, and the viceroy Li, Tien-Tsin the day following. Millions,
many millions, of foreign property in China, under the safeguard of
treaties, would by such acts shrivel up in a day.” Mr. Young was not
discussing such extreme acts as a probability, but it was a possibility,
and diplomacy could not overlook what was possible in a matter so
important. It was in assuming this most untenable prerogative that China
seemed to have made her gravest blunder.
[Page 73]
“Suppose,” replied Chang, “that your Government, with the governments of
England, Germany, and Russia, were to guarantee that France would not
rush in suddenly and take Canton, or that France would not make war
without due notice, so as to give us time to prepare; we could then give
you the assurances you wish. What is the use of your being friendly, and
of our seeming friendship in England and Germany, if your friendship
counts for nothing in this hour of trial?”
Mr. Young said that he could not enter upon these questions, however much
he might regard them as worthy of sympathy. His excellency made the
mistake of supposing that the friendly interest of one power in another
meant an obligation to fight its battles. That rule did not prevail in
private life, much less was it a principle of international law.
Contingencies might arise, as one of the consequences of war, wherein
the neutral powers might come to the aid of China, as they came to the
aid of Turkey after her war with Russia, compelling Russia to revise the
treaty of San Stefano. The friendly neutral powers would serve China so
far as it served their own interests. This might seem a cold and selfish
declaration, but Governments could not exist upon any other footing. It
would naturally follow, therefore, that the true policy of the yamên
would be in no way to alienate friendly powers. If the pressure of
France upon China were to injure the interests of the maritime powers,
they would act without any suggestion from China. There could be no
greater folly than to take a course which made such action impossible,
and this would certainly be the case were the yamên to follow the policy
of the Canton viceroy.
“But” replied Chang, “here are the French vessels in Chinese waters,
surveying, spying, and why don’t they go away? The French are to blame
for it all. We claim the right to close our ports, to defend our
country; and if the foreigners complain, we can only answer, Go ask the
French! Take the French away! The French are troubling trade; go take
them away! It is a matter between you and France; don’t trouble us! We
mean to defend our country!”
Mr. Young answered that he was sorry to hear these opinions. They could
not come to good, and he was sure when he made these sentiments known to
his English and German colleagues they would share his regret. It showed
a timid and unjust policy on the part of the yamên, one that would not
strengthen China in the eyes of foreign nations. If China were a great
Empire she could take care of herself without doing wrong to neutral
powers. On the contrary, this policy of entreaty, invective, and
deprecation could only be regarded as weakness. The yamên called France
an enemy. Well, let that be granted; was that any reason why other
nations should be treated as enemies, why the American minister should
come to-day to protest against an act which his excellency does not deny
is an invasion of the treaties and an infraction of international
“As soon as we have peace,” said Chang, “all will be right.”
“But is there war?” Mr. Young inquired. “Will your excellency write me an
official note saying that what you have done is an act of war, and will
be undone when peace is proclaimed? Or will you authorize me to say to
Sir Harry Parkes and Count Tattenbach that China is at war?”
The ministers made no answer. Mr. Young again pressed them, and
especially upon the point that the right to blockade one river meant to
blockade all.
“We have not done so,” was the reply. “You have it in your power to end
all this. Take the French away from Tonquin or give us an assurance that
they will not blockade or burn our ports.”
Mr. Young said that he was much afraid that the subject was one upon
which there could be no further conversation. He was sorry to have so
unsatisfactory a report to make to his colleagues. He must now ask
Prince Kung to address a note to the diplomatic body or to the American
legation explaining his reasons for this action. He would like to have
these reasons in an official form, in order that he might give
officially the objections he had presented in this conversation.
The ministers said at first that they would send the note. After some
conference, it occurred to them that any note to the diplomatic body
would of necessity include France, and they wished to conceal their
purposes from France. They would, therefore, confine their statements to
verbal communications with myself and certain of my colleagues.
Mr. Young replied that it was a matter of minor consequence, and he did
not wish to intrude upon any reserve the yamên thought necessary to use
towards the French legation. He must, however, ask their excellencies to
take a formal note of the fact that the American legation protested
against the act of the Canton viceroy as an express violation of
treaties and as the establishment of a precedent which might at any time
be fatal to foreign intercourse with China.
The ministers, with energy, claimed their right as Chinese to defend
their country, a right superior to international law.
The discussion was protracted, lasting over two hours. All the points
that are embraced in this report were gone over again and again,
sometimes with feeling on the part of the ministers, but in the end the
tone became friendly and in a certain degree
[Page 74]
pathetic. The ministers dwelt repeatedly upon “the
peaceful disposition of China,” upon “French aggressions,” upon “the
duty of foreign friendly powers to show their regard for China by an
active interference,” and that upon no nation did this duty devolve more
strongly than Great Britain and the United States. The China trade had
made these friendly powers rich, and now why should China be abandoned,
and not only abandoned, but, when China proposed to defend herself, be
assailed by friendly powers?
It was difficult to enter upon these arguments, or, at the same time, to
refrain from doing so. I said, however, that if their excellencies
wished to seek a reason for their helplessness in presence of a supposed
foreign enemy, it would be found, perhaps, in the failure of the
Imperial Government to avail itself of those agencies which are so
highly developed in our western civilization, and upon which western
nations depend for development and self-protection. There was no time to
enter upon that, however, and Mr. Young merely advanced the suggestion
as a reply to any reproach that could be visited upon the neutral powers
for their apparent apathy and indifference. We could not change the laws
of nations or the relations between nations to meet an emergency in the
affairs of China for which we were not responsible. And if, as I
sometimes fancied, the diplomatic policy of the yamên was to put some
stress upon the neutral powers, in the hope of awakening alarm as to the
probable effect war might have upon their trade, in the hope that from
that alarm intervention might come, I could imagine no more useless
The ministers asked Mr. Young if he would present their views to his
British and German colleagues, and trusted he would impress upon Sir
Harry Parkes and Count Tattenbach the fact that what they had done in
Canton was in no sense unfriendly. They wished very much to retain the
friendly regard of those ministers, and hoped Mr. Young would so present
their case as to strengthen their friendship.
Mr. Young said this was hardly necessary. He knew of no two ministers who
had friendlier feelings toward China than his colleagues. Mr. Young
would report to them what had taken place, and as his report would be
discouraging and unsatisfactory, their excellencies would soon have an
opportunity of meeting the representatives of Great Britain and Germany
in person. Mr. Young brought the interview to an end by saying that he
would telegraph the substance of what had been done to his Government,
and await instructions before venturing further observations.
[Inclosure 2 in No. 350.]
Memorandum of interview.
Sir Harry Parkes, accompanied by Messrs. Hillier and Everard, called by
appointment at the yamên, and was received by the ministers Ch’en, Wu,
and Chang.
Sir Harry Parkes explained to their excellencies that, as he had
mentioned in his letter asking for an interview, Mr. Young, the United
States minister, had informed him of what had passed at his visit to the
yamên on the previous day, and in consequence of their excellencies’
remarks on that occasion he had felt it his duty to call and clearly
explain to them on his part that in obstructing the navigation of a
treaty port in time of peace the Chinese Government were taking a step
which was illegal, unnecessary, and injurious to the interests of
friendly powers.
Chang-ta-jên, who was the chief speaker throughout the interview, said
that he had hoped that the explanations given to Mr. Hillier when he
called at the yamên on the 12th instant, together with their
conversation of the previous day with Mr. Young, would have been
sufficient to have placed Sir Harry Parkes in full possession of the
views of the yamên upon this subject. Before proceeding to any further
discussion of the question he would like to ask Sir Harry Parkes whether
the object of his present visit was to obtain further information or to
find fault.
Sir Harry Parkes replied that he had come to tell the ministers that the
step taken by the viceroy at Canton was illegal in itself, was useless
as a defensive measure, and was injurious to British and foreign
interests generally. It was illegal because no country had a right to
close her ports except in case of war, it was useless because it was a
most imperfect means of defense, and it was injurious because one port
had been completely closed and the access to another had been
considerably obstructed.
Chang-ta-jên rejoined that it could not be illegal for China to take
measures for her own safety. In the face of all that had occurred it was
incumbent on the Government to make preparations for threatened
aggression by the French, and it was difficult to say that France was
not at war with China, though no formal declaration of war had been
made. China herself was loath to declare war, for she was not prepared
to assume the offensive against France, and it was to be assumed that it
was not the
[Page 75]
wish of neutral
powers that she should do so; but the action of the latter in Tonquin
and their intention to seize Hainan, Formosa, Chusan, and other places
in China, as telegraphed by the Marquis Tsêng and communicated from
other sources, were sufficient to justify the assumption that France
intended to make war on China. The previous conduct of France did not
entitle her to being credited with respect for international law, and it
was always possible that she might make a sudden descent upon Canton. It
was to guard against such a descent that the precautions complained of
had been taken by the viceroy of the two Kwang provinces.
As regarded the legality of the measure, the yamên maintained that as
trade was not obstructed, but only slightly impeded, the Chinese
Government could not be accused of blocking the ports. The Whampoa
Channel was required for torpedo practice, and the Chinese Government
was justified in barring it to foreign ships on this ground alone. Apart
from this consideration, the viceroy at Canton was in supreme command,
and the yamên could not interfere with any arrangements he might see fit
to make as a protection against invasion. The powers of a military
commander-in-chief in China were necessarily large, as he might have to
answer with his life for any error of judgment or tactics. Sir Harry
Parkes would readily perceive that if the yamên were to interfere with
his arrangements, the viceroy might, reasonably or not, attribute his
failure to their interference. They could not, therefore, take upon
themselves to fetter his action so long as he did not infringe the
treaties, which they considered he had not done.
As regarded the injury done to foreign interests, while they maintained
that this was not at present grave, the ministers considered that the
Chinese Government was entitled to some consideration. The subjects of
friendly powers in China might justly be expected to share in her
fortunes and reverses, and it was simply out of consideration for
foreign interests that access to Canton had not been entirely shut
Sir Harry Parkes considered that the yamên were bound to interfere
precisely because the viceroy was infringing the treaties—he did not say
intentionally, but from a mistaken view of his duty—and it was to the
central Government that the British Government must look for a
rectification of the mistake. Torpedo practice could not be assigned as
a justification of the measure, as that practice could be carried on
elsewhere without injury to foreign interests. He was fully alive to the
difficulty that the Chinese Government was placed in, but he was bound
to point out to them that their difficulties would be increased by
persistence in a course which was useless as well as injurious. The
blocking of rivers was an obsolete measure in modern warfare. The main
defenses of the Canton River were practically those at the entrance at
the Bogue, and it was there that precautions ought to be taken. If
defenses were required within the course of the river between the Bogue
and Canton, these need not involve the obstruction of that limited
portion of it which formed the port of Whampoa. A point two or three
miles above the one chosen by the viceroy would have been as effective
for defense and would have left the port free. The ministers must be
aware of the friendly intentions by which the British Government were
actuated, sentiments which, he might add, were shared by Germany and the
United States, but he could assure them that if the Chinese Government
persisted in inflicting avoidable injury on foreign interests, the
sympathy of neutral powers in this unfortunate difference would be
alienated from China and proportionately transferred to her
Chang-ta-jên having asked whether he understood Sir Harry Parkes to say
that there would be no objection to the channel at the Bogue forts being
blocked, his excellency was told that there was no necessity to block
that or any other channel open to foreign navigation unless war were
actually declared. The blocking of a port was a destructive, not a
defensive measure. The passage of the Bogue or any other passage could
be closed by torpedoes in a few hours, but all passages open to
international commerce should certainly be left open until a state of
war had been proclaimed, and no nation could assume the offensive
previous to a formal declaration of war.
This, said Chang-ta-jên, was the very point he wished to arrive at. If
China could be certain that France would be guided by the laws of war in
her future action, and an authoritative assurance could be obtained from
any quarter that France would not attack without due notice,
Chang-ta-jên would promise, on his own responsibility, that the
obstruction at Canton should be removed.
Sir Harry Parkes having observed that the minister could not expect to
receive such an assurance from himself, went on to say that in pressing
his contention he was influenced by the consideration that there was a
grave principle involved. What was done at one port might be done at
others, and thus the large commercial interests of Great Britain and
other neutral powers in China might at any moment be jeopardized.
Chang-ta-jên rejoined that the neutral powers ought to address themselves
to France, who was responsible for all the inconveniences to which they
were or might be put, and they should bring their influence to bear to
effect a settlement of the question
[Page 76]
at issue. His excellency knew, he said, of the
existence of a secret compact between the neutral powers to protect the
treaty ports in case of war.
Sir Harry Parkes was ignorant of any such compact as that referred to by
Chang-ta-jên. The only compact that he had any knowledge of was an
understanding between four powers to co-operate in the protection of
their respective subjects and citizens at the treaty ports—protection,
it should be observed, against aggressive acts on the part of the
Chinese populace, not against the action of a belligerent. The ministers
might be satisfied that as soon as France took any illegal step which
was prejudicial to British interests a protest would be at once made. So
far no such action had been taken by France; and in any case such a
protest would be addressed to the French Government direct, just as Sir
Harry Parkes’s present protest had been made direct to the Chinese
Chang-ta-jên had referred to the influence that the British Government
could bring to bear in inducing the French to come to some understanding
about the question at issue. The ministers of the yamên must surely
remember that they had distinctly declined to accept the good offices of
the British Government when these were offered to them four months ago,
a fact which Sir Harry Parkes greatly regretted at the time.
The ministers at first denied all knowledge of any such offer having been
made, and declared that the Marquis Tsêng had never reported the
particulars of his visit to Lord Granville and the conversations that
had taken place at Walmer Castle with reference to Tonquin affairs, but
they eventually receded from this position and said that Chang-ta-jên’s
reference to the influence of the British Government was not meant to
imply mediatory action, but a recommendation to France to abandon the
untenable position she had assumed.
The conversation above reported was continued for over two hours, the
Chinese ministers repeating again and again that they were justified in
taking the step which was complained of, and meeting Sir Harry Parkes’s
reiterated protest with a denial of the justice of his arguments.
Sir Harry Parkes finally informed their excellencies that, having said
all that there was to be said on the subject, he must beg them to make a
note of his formal protest against the action of the viceroy at Canton,
and to remember that this protest had been made if that action should
entail the serious complications he apprehended. He should consider it
his duty to report to Her Majesty’s Government, by telegraph, that one
approach to Canton had been completely blocked, another partially so,
and that the anchorage at Whampoa had been closed to foreign vessels;
that this measure was not only seriously detrimental to mercantile
interests, but that it was also useless as a defensive precaution and
was unjustifiable in a time of peace.
Chang-ta-jên replied that the yamên would also telegraph to the Marquis
Tsêng instructing him to lay the state of the case before Her Majesty’s
secretary of state for foreign affairs. His excellency produced a
telegram from the viceroy at Canton to show that the latter had already
informed the Marquis Tsêng by telegraph of the action it was proposed to
take, and he asked Sir Harry Parkes to add to his telegram the answer of
the yamên to his objections. This answer was in sum that one channel of
the Canton River was blocked as a precaution against the enemy, one
channel was left open for purposes of trade. France was on the verge of
making war on China, as was proved by the reports telegraphed by the
Marquis Tseng to the effect that the French proposed to seize Hainan,
make a descent on Kwangtung (Canton), and take possession of Formosa,
Chusan, and other places.
Sir Harry Parkes asked on what authority the Marquis Tsêng had reported
these alleged intentions. He (Sir Harry Parkes) had seen rumors to this
effect in the newspapers, but he thought that these reports should not
be accepted as fact on the authority of newspaper statements alone.
The ministers replied that the Marquis Tseng might have been influenced
by what he had seen in the French press, but, taking his reports in
connection with what they had heard from other sources, the ministers
considered there was some foundation for the intentions attributed to
the French. Of course Sir Harry Parkes would regard this information as
After some further discussion Sir Harry Parkes assented to add the
substance of the reply of the yamên to his telegram, but urged that the
ministers should fully explain the grounds of their action in their
instructions to the Marquis Tseng, for communication to Her Majesty’s
Government. He warned their excellencies that Her Majesty’s Government,
as far as he could judge, would not regard their action in this matter
as satisfactory, and the ministers must kindly remember that he had been
guided by a most friendly spirit in advising them to abandon a line of
action which was calculated to be of no service to themselves, and
which, as he believed, would add considerably to their
[Page 77]
[Inclosure 3 in No. 350.]
Peking, January 16,
The imperial chargé d’affairês paid a visit to the tsung-li yamên to-day,
accompanied by Mr. Arendi, interpreter to the legation, and found there
present the ministers Chen-lan-pin Wu-ting-fên, and Chang-pei-lun. He
informed the ministers that, according to news which had reached him
from the German consulate at Canton, the governor-general there had
ordered the closing of the northern branch of the river leading to
Canton, whereby the sailing-ship anchorage at Whampoa will be entirely
cut off from communications. He held that the governor-general was not
legally authorized to close a port which was open by treaty. He
therefore found himself obliged to protest against this measure, and to
intimate that the Chinese Government would be held responsible for any
injury which might thereby accrue to German subjects.
Chang-pei-lun replied that, according to the view of the Chinese
Government, the responsibility for the effects of the step which the
viceroy had notified, a step which was certainly unusual in time of
peace, attached not to China, but rather to France, which had, without
declaring war, committed, and was continuing to commit, a number of acts
against China which were hostile and only admissible in time of war.
Under these circumstances it must at least be allowed to the latter
power to defend herself against further attacks on the part of France,
and to take at once the precautionary measures which were imperatively
necessary, for who could tell whether France might not suddenly make an
attack upon Canton, even without a declaration of war? Moreover,
continued the minister, the proposed measure would not hinder
navigation, or would only do so to an insignificant degree; it would be
only transitory, and could, in fact, be regarded in no other light than
perhaps the temporary closing of a street in need of repairs, which also
momentarily caused slight inconvenience. The minister then laid before
the imperial chargê d’affaires a copy of the telegram which he said the
yamên had received from the viceroy of Canton with reference to the
measures in question.
The minister pointed out that, according to this telegram, obstruction to
navigation did not appear to exist. Be that, however, as it might,
precautionary measures were demanded for Canton much more urgently than
elsewhere—on the one hand, because of the neighborhood of the coast of
Annam, whence the French fleet could reach Canton in a few days, and, on
the other hand, in view of the question which was openly debated in the
French press as to the advisability of occupying Chinese territory, for
example, the island of Hainan, as a guarantee for a war indemnity to be
paid by China.
The imperial chargé d’affaires replied that it was far from his intention
to contest the right of China to take those measures which seemed
necessary for the defense of her frontiers from a possible hostile
attack. But it appeared to him that the defense of Canton especially
could be sufficiently prepared by other means, without its being
necessary to interrupt navigation. The Chinese Government must perceive
that by interrupting navigation at Canton in time of peace and without
necessity they might easily offend the neutral powers, the more so that
the treaty powers would not be able to divest themselves of the
apprehension that as Canton was closed to-day, so to-morrow other ports
more important to commerce would be closed without sufficient reason. He
therefore begged the ministers to send instructions to the viceroy of
Canton to make the measures for military defense accord with the just
claims which the treaty powers were entitled to make with reference to
the non-obstruction of trade and navigation.
Chang-pei-lun replied that as the viceroy was answerable for the defense
of Canton, the tsung-li yamên could not give him any directions without
burdening themselves with a responsibility which could not be incurred
without the gravest hesitation. He would candidly avow that had he been
viceroy of Canton he would have preferred not to resort to the measure
under discussion. The tsung-li yauiên would indeed agree to go so far as
to make a representation to the viceroy in the sense that they would
submit to his consideration whether it were advisable to raise up three
enemies, in addition to the one which existed already, by certain
measures, although more or less warrantable under the circumstances. But
the yamên could neither themselves give an order to arrest the proposed
measures nor could they memorialize the throne with a view to obtaining
such an order, for in case Canton were really lost the yainên would in
that event be properly chargeable with the blame.
With regard to the other ports besides Canton, he would give an assurance
that the Chinese Government did not at present contemplate closing them.
Should, however, similar precaution become necessary at other places,
every imaginable regard would be paid to the interests of navigation and
commerce. The uninterrupted continuance of trade was in fact of the
greatest importance to China, for the latter, as he would frankly
confess, was more than ever in need, in these hard times, of the
[Page 78]
duties paid by foreign trade.
Should, indeed, added the minister, the neutral powers be willing to
induce France to declare that she would not attack the Chinese ports,
China would not hesitate on her part to give a formal declaration
binding herself not to obstruct trade and navigation in any of the open
The imperial chargé d’affaires answered that he was not in a position to
discuss this point, upon which Chang-pei-lun remarked that his
suggestion was only made in jest.
Chang-pei-lun then continued that China had no intention of declaring war
against France. If, however, China were prohibited from taking the
necessary precautions, she might be driven to a declaration of war. It
was, indeed, useless to think of coming to an amicable understanding
with France so long as the latter did not put a stop to her hostile
action in Tonquin.
Chang-pei-lun then gave a new turn to the conversation by thanking the
imperial chargé d’affaires, in the name of his colleagues, for his
friendly attitude, but at the same time gave expression to his concern
that Sir Harry Parkes appeared to consider the affair from a harsher
point of view than the imperial chargé d’affaires or the American
minister. The telegram which Sir Harry Parkes had intended sending to
his Government was very strongly worded and had contained, among other
things, the expression that the Chinese Government had closed the port
of Canton without reason, when war did not exist. The yamên has
requested Sir Harry Parkes rather to express it that the Chinese
Government, in a moment when war might at any moment break out, had
found itself obliged, &c. The dispatch of any telegram at all by Sir
Harry Parkes on this question was indeed highly unsatisfactory to the
yamên. Perhaps it might even be yet possible to induce Sir Harry Parkes
to renounce his intention of sending the telegram. Would it not be
feasible, at any rate, for the imperial chargé d’affaires, in
conjunction with Mr. Young, to talk it over with Sir Harry Parkes, and
endeavor to induce the latter to take a milder view? In this case it
would be agreeable to the ministers to meet Sir Harry Parkes, Mr. Young,
and the imperial chargé d’affaires together, which would serve the
purpose of removing any unsatisfactory feeling in connection with the
subject under consideration.
The imperial chargé d’affaires expressed his willingness to communicate
the substance of the conversation which he had had to-day to Sir Harry
Parkes, and to verbally inform the yamên of the result of his conference
with the British minister.
[Inclosure 4 in No. 350.]
Viceroy Chang to
Her Majesty’s consul.
Sir: I have the honor to inform you that I am
in receipt of the following representation from the members of the
central board of military affairs for the province of Kwangtung:
“We have respectfully to observe that two defense camps having now been
established on the Canton River at the port called Pak T’u Kong [eastern
part of Dane’s Island], means must be found of effecting free
communication between them across the river, for the convenience of
traffic. Further, a torpedo establishment having been set up at Whampoa,
where torpedo practice is constantly carried on, means should also be
taken for blocking the passage of the river at this point, in order to
prevent injury to vessels from striking against the torpedoes on their
passage up or down. After consultation with General Wu, commanding the
Huai force, it has been proposed to construct a wooden bridge for the
passage of the troops over the river between a point near the west ridge
of Pak T’u Kong and Sha Lu [south bank of Dane’s Island and opposite
“As, however, there is continuous traffic of junks at this point, and the
greater part of the foreign steamers entering the Canton River also use
this route, it is proposed to leave a passage 6 or 7 chang in width (60
or 70 Chinese feet) in the middle of the bridge, where the water is
deep, for the convenience of such vessels.
“The route by Whampoa has not hitherto been employed by the larger
foreign vessels coming up or going down the river, and since torpedo
practice is now constantly going on, the free passage of the river there
cannot but be barred, in order to prevent accidents to the shipping.
Accordingly, after consultation with Major Huang Ch’un Yo, in command of
the commissioned junk fleet, it has been arranged that the whole breadth
of the river from Tû Chu (Louisa Island) and T’ou Sha (Flat Island No.
4) shall be completely closed and access barred by a vessel stationed on
the spot, and other impediments, with a view to preventing damage being
done to vessels by the explosion of torpedoes.
“The various communications and instructions having been issued, it is
our duty to
[Page 79]
draw up a
representation on the subject, requesting that orders maybe given that
the various defense corps on land and water be duly informed, and also
that communications be addressed to the members of the consular body, in
order that they may notify all steamers that such vessels must, when
ascending the river, use the Sha Lu route, that they must avoid
collision with the wooden bridge, and must no longer use the route by Tû
Chu (Louisa Island), in order to avoid injury.”
Accordingly, on receipt of the foregoing, I have sent out the necessary
communications, and have now the honor to address a request to you that
you will give instructions to steamers belonging to subjects of your
flag to conform to the above.
I have, &c.,
_____ _____
[Inclosure 5 in No. 350.]
Prince Kung to Mr.
Peking, January 25,
His imperial highness Prince Kung, chief secretary of state, herewith
makes a communication.
His imperial highness Prince Kung and the ministers of the yamên present
their compliments to his excellency Mr. Young, the American minister,
and beg to make this communication.
His imperial highness has received a telegram from the viceroy of the two
Kwang provinces, Chang-ta-jên. In this the viceroy informs his imperial
highness that, regarding the proposed experiments in torpedo warfare,
which it is proposed to practice in the Canton River, so long as there
were no actual hostilities there would be left a space of over 100 feet
for the convenience of vessels entering and leaving the port.
The viceroy also says that the admirals and consuls agree that the
proposed arrangements for torpedo practice do not affect the convenience
of commerce.
Cards and compliments.
[Inclosure 6 in No 350.—Telegram from the
Ministers of the yamên to Sir Harry S.
canton obstruction of port.
Semi-official, No.—.]
The ministers of the yamên present their compliments to Sir Harry Parkes,
and have the honor to inform him that they received yesterday a telegram
from Chang ta-jen, governor-general of the two Kwang provinces,
informing them, with reference to the torpedo practice, that while nothing occurred*
there would be a space of over 100 feet [left] for the convenience of
steamers and sailing vessels entering and leaving [the port†]. Neither the
commander-in-chief [? admiral or admirals] nor consul [or consuls] had
made any dissentient remarks.
There was really not the slightest injury whatever to mercantile
Usual compliments.