No. 371.
Mr. Frelinghuysen to Mr. Valera.
Washington, April 11, 1884.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of yesterday’s date, wherein you inform me of the telegraphic advices you receive from the consul of Spain at Key West, to the effect that great irritation and excitement exist there among the Cuban refugees and sympathizers, and that rumors are abroad of intended violence to the consul. In view of this, you ask that measures be forthwith taken, if possible, for the protection of that officer.
In reply I have the pleasure to inform you that I have lost no time in arranging so that the special agent of the Department of Justice, who has just been sent to Key West to investigate the condition of affairs there, may, in case of need, command the aid of any Federal force which may be at that place, both in enforcement of the laws and in protecting the Spanish consulate.
I trust, however, that the alarming reports which have reached you will prove groundless.
Accept, &c.,