No. 325.
Mr. Halderman to Mr. Frelinghuysen.

No. 109.]

Sir: I have the honor herewith to transmit copy of a communication received from the prime minister of Siam.

Pursuant to this notice, the Rajah of Tuluban has placed in my possession, for presentation to the Government of the United States, a gold-mounted kris and two gold-mounted spears of Malay pattern, manufactured by Malay artisans in the Rajah’s own province.

It will be remembered that on the 23d April, 1883, as reported in my No. 30, in the name of our Government, I had the honor of presenting a gold medal and a magazine rifle to this Mohammedan governor at his palace in Tuluban, Malay Peninsula, in recognition of aid and succor extended by him and his people to shipwrecked American seamen.

The kris and spears are of beautiful design and of exquisite workmanship; they will be forwarded by first safe opportunity.

I have, &c.,

[Inclosure in No. 109.—Translation furnished by prime minister]

Prime minister to Mr. Halderman.

Sir: The Rajah of Tuluban, who has come to Bangkok to pay homage to his most gracious Majesty, and to assist at the cremation of his late highness Somdetch Chow Phya Parama Maha Sri Surriwongse, has humbly made known to His Majesty that lie has prepared a kris, with a gold hilt and scabbard of alloyed gold, and two spears with gold scabbards of Malay fashion, and manufactured by artizans of Tuluban, and has asked the royal permission to present them to the United States Government as a future remembrance.

His Majesty, being acquainted with all the facts is of opinion that the Rajah of Tuluban’s action in assisting American sailors is very praiseworthy, and the Rajah of [Page 459] Tuluban’s preparing a gift to present to the United States Government in remembrance also meets with His Most Gracious Majesty’s approbation. His majesty has therefore granted his royal permission for the Rajah to send his presents in accordance with his wishes.

It is therefore my intention to send Hluang Dhamrong Surind Rit to accompany the Rajah of Tuluban to hand the kris and spears over to your excellency and I request your excellency to receive them and forward them in accordance with the wishes of the Rajah of Tuluban.

I shall thank your excellency to acquaint me at what day and hour it will be convenient for your excellency to receive the Rajah of Tuluban.

Written on Friday the 8th day of the rising 6th moon, in the year Wauk Cho-Sok, 1246.