No. 30.
Mr. Hunter to Mr. Hall.

No. 184.]

Sir: I have received a dispatch of the 13th ultimo, No. 2, from Mr. Whitehouse, stating that the Government of Costa Rica had declined to accept your protest on behalf of American citizens at Port Limon who should actually suffer in consequence of the arbitrary repeal of the law of May 22, 1883, making that place a free port for ten years from August 10, 1883. He also reports that, according to information which he has received from a trustworthy source, a decree of the 5th ultimo has been issued granting the right to import, free of duty, for the use of the district of Limon, articulos princiales (principal articles).

You will, if possible, confirm Mr. Whitehouse’s report and furnish the Department with whatever information bearing upon the alleged modification you can obtain.

At any rate, the situation remains practically unchanged from what it was when Mr. Frelinghuysen’s instruction No. 170, of August 20 last, was sent, in response to your No. 241. You will, as speedily as possible, transmit to the Department the information desired by its No. 170, in order that a full and definite understanding of the subject may be arrived at, and whatever action may be necessary for the protection of American interests which have actually suffered on account of the action of the Government of Costa Rica may be speedily taken.

I am, &c.,

Acting Secretary.