No. 220.
Mr. Frelinghuysen to Mr. Langston.

No. 283.]

Sir: I forward herewith, in connection with previous correspondence, the inclosed copy of a letter from Mr. W. K. Yan Bokkelen of the 27th ultimo, relative to the imprisonment of his son at Port au Prince.

I am. &c.,

[Inclosure in No. 283.]

Mr. Van Bokkelen to Mr. Frelinghuysen.

Mr. Secretary: Since your letter of April 21, relative to the imprisonment of my son at Port au Prince, Hayti, I have several from him, the latest of date June 13. At this time he was still held in confinement, in violation of our treaty. May I ask, if not already done, our minister be directed to take positive and strong action to obtain from this (lawless and violators of ail rights of American citizens) the Haytien Government a speedy acknowledgment of my son’s rights and due and proper indemnity in money for his sufferings.

I am, &c.,