A copy of the latter order was an inclosure in my dispatch of March 26 last,
No. 135.
With the arrival from Hong-Kong of the steamship Arabic on the 10th instant,
with between 500 and 600 Chinese laborers, it is announced by the official
organ of the Government that all immigration authorized by the second order
above referred to has ceased, and until further notice the existing
regulation (25 in any one vessel) will be enforced.
[Inclosure in No. 138.]
Mr. Gibson to Mr.
Department of Foreign Affairs,
Honolulu, April 3,
Sir: In my letter of 13th ultimo, dealing with
the subject of the Pacific Mail Steamship Company’s complaint, I had the
honor to inform your excellency that an order had been issued, and
communicated to His Majesty’s diplomatic and consular representatives at
Washington, San Francisco, and elsewhere, that Chinese passengers coming
here (not already furnished with official permits) in numbers exceeding
twenty-five in any one vessel will not be allowed entrance into the
I now have the honor to transmit a copy of regulations for the admission
of Chinese immigrant laborers, embodying the provisions above alluded
to, which have been made and published under the authority of the
resolution of His Majesty in cabinet council referred to in my letter
already quoted.
In doing so I deem it right to address to you, as the representative of a
friendly power which always manifests a kindly interest in the welfare
of this Kingdom, a few remarks upon the circumstances which have led the
Government to issue these regulations.
In April of last year I had the honor to send you a copy of a resolution
of His Majesty in cabinet council, passed in consequence of the
extraordinary influx of Chinese men into the country, with the prospect
of an injurious increase.
The terms in which you expressed to me your satisfaction at the course
taken by the Government assure me that it is not necessary to enlarge
upon the undesirability of permitting large numbers of male Chinese to
be added to our small population, of which their countrymen already form
so large a part, and in which the disproportion of the sexes, chiefly
caused by importation of Chinese men, is so very great. The protest made
at that time by the Government had the effect of stopping the
immigration against which it was directed. At a later period of the
year, however, such representations were made by the employers of labor
here as led the Government to feel, that it would be well to allow small
numbers of Chinese laborers to be brought in from time to time to supply
the places of those who return to their native country. An exlusive
leave was then granted to the companies running regular lines of
steamers between China and San Francisco to bring in this limited number
of laborers. Subsequently another company proposed to establish a
Hawaiian line of steamers to ply between Honolulu and Asiatic ports, and
to encourage such an important domestic enterprise the Government
promised the privilege of carrying Chinese immigrant laborers to this
country to the new line in the event of its establishment. Notice was
then given (under date of October 15, 1883) to the agents of the Pacific
Mail Steamship Company and the Oriental and Occidental Steamship Company
that their permission to bring such passengers here would cease on the
1st of January of this year. The Pacific Mail Steamship Company,
regardless of the action of the Government and of the strong public
feeling which exists here on the subject, made arrangements to bring to
Honolulu between two and three thousand Chinese male laborers within the
space of a few weeks. Their example has apparently encouraged other
ship-owners to attempt the same course, since, according to the
information furnished to the Government, at least one other steamship
(not belonging to any established line) is on the way here with a full
complement of passengers of the same class.
Under these circumstances the Government deemed it desirable, pending the
meeting of the Legislative Assembly, to make and publish new regulations
for the control of this traffic, instead of reverting to the absolute
prohibition of last year. The Pacific Mail Steamship Company had already
in February last been informed that whilst small numbers of Chinese
males arriving here in their boats via San Francisco, even up to 100 at
a time, would not be interfered with, any larger numbers would be
[Page 284]
treated specially, and, if
admitted at all, the men would be subjected to a period of quarantine
and their effects to fumigation; and the company were further informed
that any attempt to bring Chinese coolies in ship-loads would certainly
be met by a positive refusal to allow landing.
On the 15th of last month a copy of regulations almost identical with
those I now forward you was sent to San Francisco, and would be
immediately communicated to the Pacific Mail Steamship Company, with the
intimation that His Majesty’s consul-general at Hong-Kong had received
notice by cable of the intention of this Government positively to resist
the immigration of coolies. That company has therefore had the most
ample warning of the wishes and intentions of the Government. The
landing of the Chinese who arrived by the steamers City of Rio de
Janeiro and City of Tokio was nevertheless acquiesced in by the
Government, because their passengers were represented to have been
contracted for previous to the expiring of the permission which the
Pacific Mail Steamship Company formerly held. But as that permission
expressly stipulated that not more than 600 Chinese laborers should be
introduced into the country in any period of three months, there is no
valid reason for any further acquiescence. The bringing here in rapid
succession of parties of several hundreds of coolies is manifestly an
open defiance of the wishes and of the rights of the Government and
people of this Kingdom.
In conclusion I have to state that measures dealing with the whole
subject of Chinese immigration will be submitted for the consideration
of the Legislative Assembly at its approaching session.
With the assurance of my highest consideration,
I have, &c.,
His Excellency Rollin M. Daggett,
United States Minister Resident.