No. 172.
Mr. Frelinghuysen to Mr. West.

Sir: With reference to my note to you of the 21st of May last, in relation to certain ferry privileges granted by the municipal authorities to Mr. James Lockhead, I now have the honor to inclose herewith a copy of, a letter to this Department from Mr. Henry McMorran on the subject.

In recalling your attention to the subject,

I have, &c.,

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Mr. McMorran to Mr. Frelinghuysen.

Dear Sir: I inclose you an order served on Captain Moffatt, of our ferry company between this city and the village of Sarnia, in the Dominion of Canada, requiring us to change our present landing, where the present line of ferry-boats have landed for the last thirty-five years, and go to a private wharf, owned by one James S. Lock-head, who claims to have the exclusive franchise of ferrying between that village and this city, granted to him by the village authorities and conferred upon them by the Dominion of Canada. The Government also have a customs officer stationed at our present landing. This order imposes a heavy expense and annoyance to our ferry company, as well as the public. Is it not a very unusual proceeding for a Government to compel American boats to land at such private wharf as they may designate, in the interest of private individuals? Will you kindly give this matter your early attention and advise us as to our rights in the matter?

I am, &c.,


Hon. Frederick T. Frelinghuysen,
Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.

Sir: I beg to notify you that, in accordance with instructions received from the honorable minister of customs, you will be required, on and after the 1st of July proximo, to land your boats at the wharf owned by James S. Lockhead, Esq., where an officer will be detailed to attend upon them.

I am, &c.,