No. 147.
Mr. Frelinghuysen to Mr. Lowell.

No. 1006.]

Sir: I inclose herewith for your information, a copy of a dispatch to this Department from Mr. J. A. Leonard, the American consul-general at Calcutta, reporting the arrival at three Mormon emissaries.

[Page 224]

Inasmuch as the Mormons, exercising polygamy, constantly increase in numbers by reason of accessions from abroad recruited by emissaries from Utah operating beyond the reach of the laws of this country, this Government is obliged to avail itself of the good offices of the authorities of foreign countries to oppose and suppress, so far as practicable, the missions of the Mormons.

I will therefore thank you to bring the matter to the attention of Her Britannic Majesty’s Government, with the request that appropriate instructions may be issued to the proper authorities, with a view to checking the proposed shipment of Mormon recruits to this country from India.

I am, &c.,

[Inclosure in No. 1006.]

Mr. Leonard to Mr. Davis.

No. 18.]

Sir: I have the honor to report that three Mormon missionaries, Messrs. Willis, McCann, and Pratt, have recently arrived and are now in Calcutta.

Their object is to make converts, and it is to be expected that they will take them to Utah.

It is likely to be several weeks, and may be months, before these missionaries will have enough converts to make a shipment from this port. I expect to keep advised as to their movements, but from the length of time necessarily required to communicate between this country and England, it is very doubtful whether a report sent from here to the minister at London, after the facts shall have been ascertained, pursuant to section 381 of the Consular Regulations, would reach there and could be acted upon before the missionaries and their converts will have left for the United States.

I would respectfully ask whether any means of prevention exist or whether any action on my part to prevent the sailing of such converts is called for.

I am, &c.,