No. 124.
Mr. Frelinghuysen to Mr. Sargent.
Washington, April 3, 1884.
Sir: Your dispatch No. 255, of the 13th ultimo, in relation to the application on behalf of Mr. Henry Breidenstein for your interference to recover for him a fine of 50 thalers imposed by the German Government for the non-performance of military service, and which fine was deducted from his portion of the inheritance from his father’s estate, has been received.
It appears that the young man died in this country without having become a citizen of it, and that the applicant himself, although twenty-one years old and living in the United States at the time the fine in question was levied, was not a citizen of the United States.
[Page 196]Under these circumstances your course was discreet and correct, and was, moreover, in full accord with the settled practice of the Department. Your proceedings in the matter are approved.
I am, &c.,