No. 64.
Mr. Godoy to Mr. Frelinghuysen.
Washington, July 22, 1883. (Received July 24.)
Sir: Under the supposition that owing to the temporary absence of its agents in Peru, the Department of State may not have received direct information of several important events which have transpired in this country, I have the honor to transmit for your information a telegram which I received last night from General Lynch, chief of the Chilian army in Peru, in which is shown that the greatest impediment in the way of the consolidation of the government of Colonel Iglesias has disappeared through the complete dispersion of the troops commanded by the chief Cáceres.
The telegram above referred to reads as follows:
Minister of Chili,
One thousand six hundred of the Chilian troops defeated four thousand Peruvians under the command of Cáceres at Huamachuco. The enemy left all his artillery and provisions on the battle-field, and 900 dead. The dead belonging to our forces numbered 56. Iglesias is master of the situation.
I avail, &c.,