No. 591.
Mr. Baker to Mr. Frelinghuysen.

No. 678.]

Sir: Your dispatch numbered 219, of date 17th ultimo, relative to the recent action of this Government in suspending the monthly payments as reported in my No. 657, was received on Sunday, the 29th ultimo, together with the inclosure of a copy of a note of date 17th ultimo, addressed by you to Señor Camacho on the same subject.

On the forenoon of the 30th ultimo, I called upon Mr. Seijas, at the ministry of exterior relations, and read to him in full your said copy of note to Señor Camacho. After reading it, I inquired of him to the purport as to whether he had received from Señor Oamacho a copy of the note in question, and he answered in the negative. I also remarked to to him in effect that this note of yours would advise him accurately as to the attitude of our Government in the premises. He made no significant remark respecting the matter, but requested a copy of the copy of the note I had read him, and I sent him a copy thereof the same day.

It seems too plain for question that what you had in this instance written to Señor Camacho was proper matter for me to communicate in the manner I did to Mr. Seijas. This course has advised this Government promptly and accurately of the position of the Department in the premises without going beyond or varying from the terms of your note to Señor Oamacho. All further proceedings in the matter here will be duly reported.

I am, &c.,