No. 545.
Mr. Wallace to Mr. Frelinghuysen.

No. 222.]

Sir: In my dispatch No. 2211 made brief mention of the receipt of a communication informing me that the Sublime Porte had appointed delegates to negotiate with a delegate representing the United States a new treaty of commerce and a new tariff to take the place of that of 1862. I have the honor now to inclose a copy and translation of the note in question.

* * * * * * *

Yesterday I had an interview with Mr. Wyndham, the British chargé, respecting the English tariff situation. It appears that a notice in all respects similar to that served on this legation, touching the conclusion of the tariff, was received at the British embassy, and another of like effect at the German embassy. Both were promptly answered with protests. As in their cases there was no question of the correctness of the denouncement of the treaties by the Porte, they rested their objection chiefly upon the right of continuance of the old tariffs, pending the negotiation of the new ones, a point of great importance when it is remembered that the Turks have scarcely begun revision of their schedules. The appointment of the British delegate is of many months’ standing, during which he has been on the ground waiting, yet he cannot now say the Turkish delegates are any nearer readiness to begin sessions with him than they were a year ago. Since receipt of the notice, collections of 8 per cent, ad valorem have been rigidly enforced against the English. The administration of the indirect contributions has not had time to pay attention to protests.* * *

The appointment of a delegate on our part will, of course, engage your attention. The English have appointed their consul resident here (Mr. Wrench), a thoroughly competent person. If you refer the matter to me, I shall, at the proper time, select Consul-General Heap for the duty.* * *

I have, &c.,

[Inclosure in No. 222.—Translation.]

Aarifi Pasha to Mr. Wallace.

Mr. Envoy: In pursuance of my note of the 12th of March last, I have the honor to inform you that the Sublime Porte has named Bertram Effendi, counsellor of the general administration of indirect contributions, and Mikael Effendi, president of the said administration, to enter into negotiations with the delegate of the United States legation in view to conclude between the two states a new treaty of commerce in lieu and place of the one which expires on the 12th of March, 1884, as well as for a new tariff.

I beg your excellency to be good enough to let me know the name of the person the legation of the United States of America will name for this purpose.

Accept, &c.,