No. 523.
Mr. Heap
to Mr. Frelinghuysen.
Constantinople, December 3, 1882. (Received December 22.)
Sir:* * * In reference to the case of Dr. Frederick L. Kingsbury, mentioned in No. 33, dated the 16th of November last, I have been informed, both by himself and Mr. Wyndham, the charge d’affaires of Great Britain, that his difficulties with the Bulgarian authorities have been satisfactorily arranged, and he has received permission to practice his profession in the principality. This settlement has been effected through the good offices of Mr. Lascelles, Her Majesty’s agent in Bulgaria, acting under instructions from the Earl of Dufferin. I have requested Mr. Wyndham to convey the thanks of this legation to Mr. Lascelles.
I am, &c.,