No. 492.
Mr. Frelinghuysen to Mr. Reed.
Washington, April 12, 1883.
Sir: Your No. 173, of the 25th of February last, in regard to the case of trichinosis at Malaga, which it was alleged was produced by eating American pork, and inclosing a copy of your note to the minister of gobernacion on the subject, and of his reply thereto, has been received.
[Page 771]It is probable that all the cases of alleged trichinosis from eating American pork which are sporadically reported in Europe from time to time would, if properly examined, prove to be as groundless as in the present instance.
Your action is approved.* * *
It is deemed proper that you should watch this matter carefully, and be prepared to address a note to the minister of state, immediately on the appearance of any agitation hostile to American pork in Spain. Consul Marston’s vigilance will be commended.
I am, &c.,