No. 488.
Mr. Frelinghuysen to Mr. Reed.

No. 126.]

Sir: I have to acknowledge your No. 150, of the 18th ultimo, detailing your action in bringing the matter of the so-called “consular fees” exacted by Spanish consuls in the United States on cattle and cargoes shipped for Spanish ports, to the attention of the minister of foreign affairs.

Your action is commended. You will continue your attention to the subject, and, as opportunities arise, urge a speedy and favorable answer to the representations of this Government.

Referring to that portion of your dispatch in which you state that the rate imposed in European countries by the Spanish consular tariff is 20 cents (1 peseta) per head for cattle and 5 cents (25 centimos) per ton on the cargoes of vessels, while the rate imposed in the United States is twice that amount, or 40 cents (2 pesetas) on cattle and 10 cents (50 centimos) on cargoes, is it not true that all of America, Asia, and Africa come under the double rate, while European countries alone have the single rate of 20 cents and 5 cents on cattle and cargoes, respectively? Whether it is or is not the case that the double rate is thus charged on exports from Asia, Africa, and other parts of America, the position laid down in the Department’s £To. Ill is not thereby affected.

I am, &c.,