No. 443.
Mr. Frelinghuysen to Mr. Partridge.
Washington, June 26, 1882.
Sir: It seems to the President that the time has come when an effort for peace between the South American Republics can be made with some reasonable hope of success. He has accordingly instructed Mr. Logan upon the subject, giving him a large measure of discretion.
This instruction is taken to you by Mr. Logan, who is directed to confer with you before proceeding to Santiago. You are aware that while Mr. Trescot was in Peru he visited Montero, and recognized him as the head of the Republic. It may now be assumed that this act has received the sanction of the Department. It will, therefore, be proper that after conferring with Mr. Logan and taking every possible precaution to prevent the difference between our legations in Chili and in Peru, which have unhappily thwarted the policy and lessened the influence of the United States in the past, you will proceed at an early day to join the only Government in Peru which is now recognized by the United States.
It is understood that the principal difficulty in the way of opening negotiations is the disinclination of the Chilian Government to recognize Montero and his Government. Mr. Logan’s first efforts at Santiago-will be directed to removing this obstacle and to securing at least such provisional recognition as may be involved in the fact of negotiations. If this shall be found to involve the calling together of a congress by President Montero, Mr. Logan will endeavor to prevent any Chilian opposition to it.
Meanwhile it will be your duty to impress upon President Montero and his advisers the necessity of recognizing these severe results of unsuccessful war.
The interest which the United States takes in the fortunes of Peru, and the great desire which they have to preserve its autonomy and as much of its territory and wealth as is consistent with the reasonable rights and demands of Chili, must not be interpreted into a purpose to stand by Peru in refusing and resisting such demands. You must make that clear. If the voice of the United States could be listened to, the war would be ended by the payment of a money indemnity without sacrificing territory. But the voice of the United States will not be listened to while speaking only such words. Chili will not abandon all the acquisitions that the fortunes of war have given her. Unless Peru consents to negotiate on the basis of a surrender of territory, the United States are powerless to help her.
If Peru consents to negotiate on the basis of a cession of territory, you will acquaint President Montero’s Government generally with the fact that Mr. Logan is instructed in that event to secure from Chili che most favorable terms which the moral influence of the United States can obtain.
The form in which the two belligerents will approach each other, if they consent to enter upon negotiations, must necessarily be left much to opportunity and to the judgment of Mr. Logan. You will confer [Page 708] with him freely as to the feeling of Peru, and he must decide whether he can obtain terms which he is willing to submit to Peru; whether the offer must first come from Peru or from Chili is a point which must be left for his decision. He is authorized to go to Peru at the proper time and confer with you. In approaching the Government of Peru he is directed to avail himself always of your intermediary services.
I inclose for your guidance a copy of the instructions to Mr. Logan, and also a copy of the instructions to Mr. Maney.
In case matters happily proceed so far as to call for serious negotiations, Mr. Maney is instructed to do whatever may be advised by you or Mr. Logan, or both, and to take no steps until so requested.
I am, &c.,