No. 433.
Mr. Cayetano
Romero to Mr. Davis.
Washington, May 9, 1883. (Received May 10.)
Sir: Referring to the note, which you were pleased to address to me yesterday, relative to the desire for the immediate signing of an additional protocol extending for one year the treaty concerning the crossing of troops, and also referring to the reply which I sent to you on the same day, I now have the honor to inform you that I have just received a telegram from the department of foreign relations of Mexico, dated [Page 696] yesterday, in reply to one which I had addressed to it, asking for instructions on the subject. The said telegram is as follows:
Received your telegram of to-day. When the minister of the United States shall have prepared, in due form, negotiation for extension of treaty for crossing of troops, the matter shall receive special attention.
As I understand that the executive requires additional authorization from the Senate of Mexico for the extension of the convention in question, my Government considers it proper that the negotiations should take place at the city of Mexico.
I avail, &c.,