No. 334.
Mr. Frelinghuysen to Mr. Daggett.

No. 22.]

Sir: I transmit herewith the inclosed copy of a letter from Mr. Mosby, consul at Hong-Kong, of the 7th ultimo, to the collector of customs at San Francisco, stating that large shipments of sugar are being made from Chinese ports to Honolulu for the purpose, as the consul apprehends, of being smuggled into the United States duty free.

You will give the subject full and attentive investigation, reporting’ hither promptly such facts as you may be able to learn with reference to the statements reported by Consul Mosby touching the vessels named-laden with sugar for Honolulu.

I am, &c.,


Mr. Mosby to Collector Sullivan.

Sir: The English steamer Glenelg cleared from this port for Honolulu a few days ago with 800 tons of sugar. I think it probable that an attempt will be made to-enter this sugar as Honolulu sugar, free of duty, at San Francisco. I learn, also, that the steamship Madras and steamship C. T. Hook will leave soon for Honolulu, loaded with sugar. I think the United States consul there should be advised of these facts, in order that he may detect any attempt to smuggle this sugar into the United States duty free.

I have, &c.,

United States Consul.