No. 317.
Mr. Schuyler to Mr. Frelinghuysen.
Athens, February 20, 1883. (Received March 21.)
Sir: After receiving your dispatch No. 15, dated January 5, 1883, relating to the release from imprisonment of five Greeks at the request of General Wallace, I lost no time in informing Mr. Tricoupis of the facts contained in the dispatch of Mr. Heap, No. 147. I had already, in private conversation, told him of the preliminary steps in this case taken by General Wallace. Subsequently I stated to him the whole history of the case as set forth in General Wallace’s report No. 158, inclosed in your instruction No. 17, dated January 22, 1883. Mr. Tricoupis begged me to express to you his thanks for the kind intervention of General Wallace, who had already on several occasions shown himself to be animated by a friendly spirit towards Greece. He asked me also to say that the Greek Government fully appreciated the feelings of friendship which had governed the State Department in its instructions to General Wallace. * * *
I have, &c.,