No. 309.
Mr. West to Mr. Frelinghuysen.

Sir: Referring to your note of the 16th June, 1883,1 have the honor to inclose to you herewith copy of an approved report of a committee of the privy council of Canada, which I have received from Lord Lorne, embodying a report of the superintendent-general of Indian affairs and conveying an expression of the gratification afforded to the Government of Canada by the good understanding which exists between the officer of the Canadian northwest mounted police force at Fort Walsh and the officers commanding the United States troops on the frontier, resulting in their co-operation for the suppression of Indian raids from either side of the line.

I have, &c.,


Report of a committee of the privy council for Canada, approved by the Governor-General on the 4th of August, 1883.

The committee of the privy council have had before them a dispatch, dated 17th June, 1883, from the British minister at Washington, forwarding correspondence concerning the raids of Canadian Indians into the northwestern Territories of the United States.

The superintendent-general of Indian affairs, to whom the dispatch and inclosures were referred, recommends that the Government of the United States be informed through Her Majesty’s minister at Washington of the gratification it affords your excellency and your excellency’s Government to learn of the good understanding that exists between the Canadian officer of the northwest mounted police stationed at Fort Walsh, and the officers commanding the United States troops on the frontier, resulting in their co-operation for the suppression of Indian raids from either side of the line; and that it is hoped that their efforts in this direction will be entirely successful.

The committee concur in the foregoing recommendation, and they submit the same for your excellency’s approval.

Cleric Privy Council, Canada.