No. 307.
Mr. West to Mr. Frelinghuysen.

Sir: With reference to previous correspondence I have the honor to inclose to you herewith a copy of an approved report of a committee of the privy council for Canada, having reference to the stealing by Canadian Cree Indians from an American citizen on the Teton Eiver of a number of horses, which formed the subject of a minute of council, copy of which was inclosed in my note of the 21st ultimo.

I have, &c.,


Report of a committee of the privy council for Canada, approved by the Governor-General on the 24th day of July, 1883.

The committee of the privy council advise your excellency to be pleased to transmit to Her Majesty’s minister at Washington a copy of a letter herewith attached, from Lieut. -Col. A. G. Irvine, the commissioner of the northwest ‘mounted police, reporting that he and Lieut.-Col. J. F. Macleod, stipendiary magistrate, had tried and sentenced to two years’ imprisonment eleven Indians for horse-stealing south of the boundary line, in conjunction with an order of your excellency in council, dated 14th June, 1883, upon a dispatch (No. 52) dated 10th May, 1883, from the British minister at Washington, having reference to the stealing by Canadian Cree Indians, from an American citizen on the Teton River, in the Territory of Montana, of a number of horses.

Clerk Privy Council for Canada.

Colonel Irvine to Mr. Whitee.

Sir: Referring to my letter of the 25th May last (report No. 360), with which was inclosed a communication from Superintendent Shurtleff, relating to a raid made by our Indians on the herd of J. G. Baker & Co., Montana, United States, you will observe from that officer’s report that Sergeant Patterson arrested ten Cree Indians who belonged to the war party which ran off J. G. Baker & Co.’s horses.

[Page 527]

These Indians were tried a few days ago at Maple Creek by Colonel Macleod and myself on a charge of bringing stolen property into the country. They pleaded guilty and were sentenced to two years’ imprisonment with hard labor in the Manitoba penitentiary. At the same time Colonel Macleod and I also tried another Cree Indian on a similar charge. He also pleaded guilty, and received a similar sentence. This Indian was one of the war party who stole and ran off the man Kipp’s horses on the Marias River, Fort Benton, Montana. His confederates in the raid were, as reported to you by Superintendent Cotton in his letter of the 7th May (report No. 345), tried by me at Fort Walsh on the 3d May last, and duly sent to the Manitoba penitentiary.

I have, &c.,
