No. 242.
Mr. Adee to Mr. Lowell.

No. 653.]

Sir: Referring to your No. 587, of July 14 last, in which you state as your opinion that a resolution which recently passed the House of Commons indicates that the British Government will adopt the policy of interdicting the importation of cattle from all countries in which the laws governing the prevention of cattle diseases, and of inspection, are not judged sufficiently severe, I have to inclose herewith a letter, dated the 1st instant, from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, inclosing a report on the subject of the “foot-and-mouth disease,”* made by the United States Treasury Cattle Commissioners, in which it is stated that the disease does not prevail among the cattle of the American herds.

I will thank you to bring the substance of the report to the attention of Lord Granville at an early day.

I am, &c.,

Acting Secretary.
  1. See inclosure 4 in instruction No. 675 to Mr. Lowell, page 457.