No. 230.
Mr. Lowell
to Mr. Frelinghuysen.
Legation of
the United States,
London, May 29, 1883.
(Received June 9.)
No. 558.]
Sir: Referring to my No. 554, of the 26th instant,
I have the honor to acquaint you that I received yesterday from Lord
Granville a further note upon the subject of the attacks upon the American
mission schools in Bulgaria, a copy of which I herewith inclose.
I may add that I have just had an interview with the Greek chargé d’affaires,
whocalled at the legation in pursuance of an appointment made yesterday, who
informed me that his Government naturally felt itself deeply interested in
this matter, in consequence of similar attacks upon Greek subjects in
Bulgaria. He seemed to be of the opinion that these attacks grew out of a
concerted design to prevent the establishment of all schools by foreigners
in that country. I informed him that any action by my Government in this
matter would probably be taken through its legation at Constantinople.
I have, &c.,
[Inclosure in No. 558.]
Lord Granville to
Mr. Lowell.
Office, May 24,
Sir: I have the honor to inform you that I have
received a dispatch from Mr. Lascelles, Her Majesty’s agent and
consul-general in Bulgaria, inclosing a report from. Mr. Dalziel, the
British vice-consul at Roustchouk, with reference to an attack which had
been made on the house of the American missionary, Mr. Challis, at
Mr. Dalziel states that Mr. Challis called upon him and reported that on
the 17th ultimo five apparently drunken men made an attack on his house
and school at Loftcha, burst open three doors, and beat Mr. Jones, the
missionary, who was in charge of the establishment. During these
proceedings two Bulgarian priests are said to have been standing at a
short distance off laughing, and it was believed that the outrage was
incited by them.
The police were at once sent for, upon which the assailants retired, and
consequently when the police arrived all was over.
Mr. Dalziel states his belief that one or two arrests have been made in
consequence, and understands that Mr. Challis is about to proceed to
Constantinople to lay the matter before the United States minister.
Mr. Challis also informed the British agent at Sofia of the matter, but
as some persons had been arrested by the police in connection with the
attack, Mr. Lascelles did not think it necessary to take any action in
the matter without instructions.
I have, &c.,