No. 184.
Mr. Frelinghuysen to Mr. Sargent.

No. 98.]

Sir: I inclose herewith for your information a copy of an interesting letter from Messrs. Armour & Co., of Chicago, concerning the exclusion of American pork from Germany.

I am, &c.,

[Inclosure in No. 98.]

Armour & Co. to Mr. Logan.

Dear Sir: The recent action of the German Government, in prohibiting the importation of American hog products, it seems to us, demands some effort towards checking a policy that must unquestionably result (if persisted in) in disaster to the farming interests of Illinois and the Northwest. We know that your familiarity with this subject renders it unnecessary for as to enlarge upon it for your information, but recognizing and acknowledging, with thanks, your former interest in this question, we now beg to ask your co-operation in the adoption of some measure calculated to bring about the speedy repeal of existing prohibitory decrees, or at least to render their adoption in other quarters less attractive than at present.

Knowing, as well as ourselves, that the sanitary pretexts of both the French and German Governments need no arguments, we feel that you will heartily support any wise retaliatory measure brought forward to counteract their disastrous legislation. And while aware that you are fully informed as to the magnitude of the interests thus attacked, we may state, from our intimate relations with this most important Illinois industry, that the time cannot be far distant when our own and adjoining States will suffer to the extent of millions of dollars.

[Page 356]

We refrain from inflicting upon you at length the reasons for this conviction, which to us present the feature of absolute certainty, because we feel that your own information is ample, and that you must, having already broadly considered the matter, fully agree with us.

We therefore confidentially request that you will make some effort, retaliatory in its character, the details of which you can much better suggest than ourselves, and will conclude by saying that while our own interests are necessarily involved, they are, as you know, secondary to those enormous interests which involve the welfare of the State to as great a degree, perhaps, as those of any other important industry.

The time, we suppose, being short for action during the present Congress, we, of course, leave the matter in your hands, hoping you may be able to do something either before or after the close of the present Congress, but as promptly as your numerous duties (and the importance of the subject) will permit.

Yours, truly,