After due consideration of the matter, I have the honor to submit to your
judgment a draft of an additional convention designed to accomplish the
desired end.
Draft of an additional article to the consular
convention of July 11, 1870, between the
United States and Austria-Hungary.
The President of the United States of America, and His Majesty the
Emperor of Austria, King of Bohemia, &c., and Apostolic King of
Hungary, mutually desirous
[Page 12]
of extending to the officers and crews of the vessels of either
country who may be involved in judicial proceedings in the courts of
the other, ail proper facilities for the defense of their personal
rights, have resolved to that end to conclude an article
supplemental to the consular convention of July 11, 1870, between
the two countries, and have appointed as their plenipotentiaries, to
- The President of the United States, Frederick T.
Frelinghuysen, Secretary of State;
- And His Imperial and Royal Apostolic Majesty,—— ——;
Who, after reciprocal exhibition of their full powers, found in good
and due form, have agreed upon the following additional
Article I.
In continuation of the tenth article of the consular convention
between the United States and Austria-Hungary, which was signed at
Washington on the 11th day of July, 1870, and as forming part of
said tenth article, shall be added the following:
“The provisions of the two preceding paragraphs shall also be
applicable whenever any captain of a vessel of either country, or
any person or persons composing the crew of such vessel, shall be
proceeded against or bring suit in the courts of the other country;
and the respective consular officers of the vessel’s nation shall be
duly notified so as to be enabled to attend such proceedings;
provided that in like manner, should they fail to appear at the
place and hour named, the case shall be proceeded with in their
Article II.
The foregoing additional clause shall, from the date of the exchange
of the ratifications hereof, have equal force and like duration with
the original consular convention aforesaid, and he terminable in
like manner.
This additional convention shall be ratified, and the ratifications
hereof shall be exchanged in the city of Washington, as soon as may
be possible.
In testimony whereof the respective plenipotentiaries have signed
this convention, in duplicate, in the English and —— languages, and
affixed hereto the seal of their arms.
Done at the city of
Washington, this —— day of ——, in
the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and