No. 521.
Mr. de
Pestel to Mr. Evarts.
Washington, May 12, 1880.
Mr. Secretary of State: I take the liberty of again calling your excellency’s kind attention to the subject of my letter of the 6th of January last relative to the duty of 10 per cent, which is levied in the United States on Dutch colonial products imported from the ports of the Netherlands.
If the Government of the United States admits, as I hope it does, the justice of the claims of my government, and is disposed favorably to receive its request for the removal of this discriminating duty, it is important that the matter should be taken into consideration while Congress is still in session, unless the government is able to satisfy our desire by a simple executive measure.
Awaiting your excellency’s reply, I avail myself of this occasion to renew to you the assurances of my highest consideration.