No. 498.
Señor Navarro to Mr. Evarts.
New York, July 28, 1880.
Sir: I have had the honor to receive the note of your Department, bearing date of yesterday, in which you were pleased to state, for the information of my government, that the War Department had apprised you that the forces under the command of Marquez de Leon had been disbanded in consequence of the attitude of the military authorities of this country. You were likewise pleased to inform me that the Government of the United States desires to co-operate in frustrating the efforts made in this country to disturb the peace of Mexico.
In reply, I have the honor to inform your Department that I shall take pleasure in transmitting to my government the note to which I have just referred, feeling certain that it will be received as a valuable evidence of the friendly sentiments which, happily, unite the two republics.
I gladly renew to you, Mr. Secretary, the assurances of my very high consideration.