No. 489.
Mr. Hay to
Mr. Morgan.
Washington, October 20, 1880.
Sir: Tour dispatch No. 114 of the 30th ultimo has just been received. It conveys the sad intelligence of the death on the 22d ultimo of Señor Ruelas, so long at the head of the ministry of foreign affairs.
The instructions sent to you lately on learning of the protracted and serious illness of Señor Ruelas will have shown the interest here felt in the personal welfare of one who, by his position and attainments, was brought into so many and cordial relations with this government.
The feelings of sympathy then expressed now deepen into sorrow for his death.
If you have not already done so, you will take an early occasion to manifest in fitting terms to the Mexican Government the regret with which we receive the tidings of the decease of this valued officer and distinguished statesman, to whose able hands had been so happily confided the maintenance and development on the part of Mexico of the friendly relations between the two republics.
I am, &c.,
Acting Secretary.