No. 474.
Mr. Morgan to Mr. Evarts.

No. 29.]

Sir: I have received this day your Department dispatch No. 17, conveying information that some sixteen of the persons who had been arrested by General Treviño, as cattle thieves, in the neighborhood of Piedras Negras, and sent to Mexico, had, shortly after the revocation of the order of the Secretary of War of 1st June, 1877, to General Ord, been released and sent, at the expense of the Mexican Government, to the scene of their former maraudings, and instructing me to make inquiry thereof.

I now inclose copy of my note to the minister of foreign affairs upon the subject. His answer I will transmit when received, and in the meanwhile I shall make such further investigation as will enable me to inform you of the true state of the case.

I am, &c.,

[Inclosure in No. 29.]

Mr. Morgan to Mr. Ruelas.

Sir: My government is informed that seventeen Mexicans, who had been arrested by General Treviño for depredations committed upon the property of American citizens, upon American soil, and who had been sent by General Treviño to a prison in the interior of the country—city of Mexico—have been released and returned to the scene of their former illegal acts, at the expense of the Mexican Government.

I am instructed to ascertain whether these reputed facts exist, and I therefore address myself to your excellency.

I renew to your excellency the assurances of my very distinguished consideration.