No. 460.
Mr. Foster
to Mr. Evarts.
Mexico, January 14, 1880. (Received January 26.)
Sir: In the month of November last, one Moses Thatcher, reported to be a high official in the Mormon Church of Utah, and two associates, arrived in this city with the avowed object of propagating their faith. Their presence here has given occasion to the report that their main object was to make some arrangement with the Mexican Government for the settlement in the northern states of Mexico of Mormons from Utah, in view of the threatening attitude of affairs in that Territory.
The organ of the executive department of the government, the Diario Oficial, of the 12th instant, referring to this report, states that the person named has not presented himself to any of the departments, which is understood to be a denial of the report, so far as the government has any knowledge.
I am, &c.,