No. 438.
Mr. Bingham to Mr. Evarts.
Tokei, July 24, 1880. (Received August 27.)
Sir: On yesterday His Majesty the Mikado returned to this capital, and was received by Her Majesty the Empress, the imperial household, the ministers of state, and multitudes of his subjects, having been absent about fifty days on an imperial progress through the western provinces of the empire.
This is the third imperial progress made by His Majesty since my service here. It is but the truth of history to say that since his accession to the throne, in 1868, this young Emperor, now but twenty-eight years of age, and representing the oldest continuous dynasty on earth, a dynasty which outdates the Roman Empire, has, though clothed with imperial and absolute sovereignty, been constantly mindful of the rights of his people, and, aided by his enlightened advisers, has labored effectively for the promotion of the general welfare, and, to the end, has, within his short reign of twelve years abolished the feudal system, emancipated four-fifths of his subjects from feudal vassalage, and made them possessors of the soil; disarmed a feudal soldiery numbering probable 600,000 men trained to arms: reorganized the order of society; established and equipped an army 40,000 strong, and also a navy equal in number and appointments to our own; assured the freedom of conscience introduced the press, the telegraph, the railway, steam navigation, a general postal and savings system, and, above all, ordained a free system of compulsory education for the instruction of all the children of the empire, thereby in effect declaring the equality of all before the law, and the right of each to the equal protection of the law.
It may be said that seldom, if ever, in the history of civil administration, has any other ruler done so much within so brief a period for the reformation and well-being of a people numbering five and thirty millions.
In his long journey, his loyal and faithful subjects came out en masse to meet His Majesty, and gave every evidence of their affection and reverence for him.
It is apparent that this Emperor, who has so largely incorporated the philosophy of humanity in his laws and administration, is believed by his confiding people to be endowed with something of divineness.
I have, &c.,