No. 342.
Mr. Evarts to Sir Edward Thornton.

Sir: I have the honor to state that Mr. Thomas C. Anderson, of Kentucky, an extensive breeder of short-horned cattle, has brought to the attention of this Department the fact that a number of citizens of Canada have expressed a desire to visit Kentucky this season for the purpose of purchasing cattle there for breeding purposes, providing arrangements could be made to allow them to be taken home. Mr. Anderson suggests that, as the region west of the Aleghany mountains is free from cattle disease, the Canadian authorities could, without risk, grant the desired privilege. He says moreover, that there are now in the Western States nearly three thousand short-horned cattle advertised for sale, many of which would be bought by Canadians if they could take their purchases home.

In view, therefore, of the important mutual interests involved in this matter, I beg to submit to Her Majesty’s Government to consider the practicability of so modifying the rules regulating the importation of cattle into Canada as to permit short-horned cattle raised west of the Alleghany Mountains to enter the Dominion unobstructed, for breeding purposes.

I have, &c.,