No. 304.
Mr. Evarts
to Mr. Hoppin.
Washington, March 25, 1880.
Sir: I have to acknowledge the receipt of your dispatch No. 128, of the 27th of December last, referring to Mr. Welsh’s No. 327, of the 29th of July last, and to the instruction No. 371 of the 15th of September last, of this Department upon the subject of the method of settling accounts of extradition expenses. You also inclose a copy of your correspondence with the British foreign office upon the subject in question since the date last mentioned, from which it appears that in consequence of the divergence of opinion as to the most convenient method of effecting the payment of extradition expenses expressed by the various governments to which the Marquis of Salisbury had addressed communications, on the subject, his lordship had reached the conclusion that it would be best to adhere to the plan hitherto pursued, preferring’ separately each claim arising on a case of extradition; and he therefore asks this government to accede to the proposed arrangement.
In reply, I have to instruct you to inform Her Majesty’s government that this Department approves of the plan proposed, with the understanding, however, that the arrangement shall not preclude the settlement of expenses on the spot by the agent sent to receive the prisoner, or make it obligatory that the claim should be formally preferred by one government to the other, and so settled. The few cases where the expenses are not paid on the spot would, of course, it is thought by this Department, be properly matters for adjustment between the two governments.
I am, &c.,