No. 303.
Mr. Evarts
to Mr. Hoppin.
Washington, February 11, 1880.
Sir: I have to acknowledge the receipt of your dispatch No. 139, of the 23d ultimo, inclosing a copy of a note from the Marquis of Salisbury to you in relation to Mormon emigration from England to the United States, in which his lordship states that Her Majesty’s government is under no obligation, and, indeed, has no power, to prevent the emigration of British subjects desirous of emigrating to this country, and they can do no more than give notice to the public of the illegal character of Mormon marriages according to the law of the United States, and that such notice has accordingly been given.
This action upon the part of the British Government is very gratifying to this department, since the object aimed at by previous correspondence is thus gained; namely, the promulgation of information under the authority of the home government to proposed emigrants of the penal consequences of the practice of polygamy in the Mormon, community in Utah Territory.
I am, &c.,