No. 60.
Mr. Wullweber to Mr. Fish.
Quito, Ecuador, November 17, 1875. (Received December 13.)
Sir: I have the honor to inform you that the election for President of the republic of Ecuador took place during the week commencing on the 17th ultimo, and that Doctor (the title of attorneys in this country) Antonio Borrero, of Cuenca, Ecuador, was elected President nearly unanimously.
I have not seen as yet the official report of the returns, but am advised that Dr. Borrero received 38,720 votes. His competitors were General Julio Saenz, who received about 4,000 votes; Dr. Antonio Flores, who received about 2,800 votes; and Dr. Louis Antonio Salazar, who received only about 13 votes.
On the 2d day of October last the old ministry resigned, and the resignation was accepted by Don José Javrier Eguigurin, the President pro tempore, who again, on his part, handed in his resignation to Congress on the 6th ultimo, but Congress did not accept the same, and thus he continues to perform the functions of chief magistrate of the republic.
The changes herein reported are said to have been accompanied with a good deal of agitation and excitement, but did not cause any bloodshed. The new President will probably be inaugurated in a few weeks, Congress being assembled in special session and awaiting his arrival.
With great respect, &c.,