No. 332.
Mr. Caldwell to Mr. Fish.

No. 26.]

Sir: I have the honor to inform the Department that the revolution which has been devastating this country for nearly three months has ended. The revolutionary forces, being vigorously pursued by the government troops, (the minister of war himself taking the field,) and finding themselves unable to make head against the superior resources at the command of the government, crossed into Brazil, where they were disarmed by the Brazilian authorities. This government seems inclined to act with moderation, and has already granted amnesty to all who have been captured or who have surrendered.

The President, in a proclamation, announces a speedy end of martial law and a return to the normal condition of affairs. The harvest promises to be one of almost unexampled abundance, and with peace and economy there is hope of a happier future for this afflicted republic.

I have, &c.,