No. 304.
Mr. Rublee to Mr. Fish.

No. 296.]

Sir: I have the honor to inclose herewith two copies of the federal law enacted in July last, but only printed within the past week, relative to the acquisition and renunciation of Swiss citizenship, with a translation of the same.

Hitherto the subject has been regulated only by cantonal laws. This law, by providing a definite and uniform mode for the renunciation of Swiss citizenship, will tend to put an end to what has seemed to me a great injustice sometimes practiced by Swiss communes toward citizens of the United States of Swiss origin. This has consisted in refusing to put them in possession of property inherited or belonging to them here, on the ground that they were still Swiss citizens, and had acquired a foreign citizenship in contravention of some cantonal or communal ordinance.

The law will go into effect on the 21st of November next, unless a demand is made for its submission to the popular vote, which is not probable.

I am, &c.,


Federal law concerning the acquisition and the renunciation of Swiss citizenship, enacted July 3, 1876.

The Swiss federal assembly, in execution of article 44 of the federal constitution, and in consideration of a message from the federal council, dated June 2, 1876, decrees:

i.—of swiss naturalization.

Article 1. A foreigner who wishes to acquire Swiss citizenship has, for that purpose, to apply to the federal council for authorization to be received as a citizen of a canton or of a commune. The authorization of the federal council must be also demanded, through the cantonal government, in case of a naturalization accorded gratuitously to a foreigner.

Article 2. The federal council will give the authorization only to foreigners (1) that have had their ordinary domiciles in Switzerland during the two preceding years; (2) whose relations to their native country are such that there is no reason to apprehend that their admission to Swiss citizenship would involve any prejudice to the Swiss Confederation.

Article 3. The naturalization extends to the wife and to the minor children of the applicant, in so far as no formal exceptions are made in regard to the latter, in view of article 2, paragraph 2.

Article 4. The grant of a cantonal or communal naturalization without the previous approval of federal council is void. On the other hand, Swiss citizenship is only acquired when the authorization of the federal council is followed by the cantonal or communal naturalization according to the laws of a canton. The authorization from [Page 568] the federal council becomes void if within two years from the date of its issue no use has been made of it.

Article 5. Persons who, in addition to Swiss citizenship, are citizens of a foreign country are not entitled to the privileges and the protection accorded to Swiss citizens during their residence in such foreign state.

ii.—renunciation of swiss citizenship.

Article 6. A swiss citizen may renounce his citizenship if (a) he has no domicile within Switzerland; (b) he is enjoying fully all civil rights according to the laws of the country where he resides; (c) he has already acquired citizenship in another country or the assurance of its being granted for himself, his wife, and minor children, in accordance with the last paragraph of article 8.

Article 7. The declaration of renunciation is to be submitted in writing and accompanied by the required statements to the cantonal government, which will notify the respective communal authorities, in order to inform such parties as are interested, and a term of four weeks is fixed for presenting objections. The federal tribunal, according to articles 61–63 of the law in regard to the organization of the federal judiciary administration of 27th June, 1874, will decide in such cases where the right of renunciation is objected to.

Article 8. If the conditions prescribed in article 6 are fulfilled, and if no objections have been presented, or the protests made have been judicially overruled, then the authorities authorized for that purpose by cantonal law will pronounce the discharge from the cantonal and communal citizenship. This discharge includes the forfeiture of Swiss citizenship, and enters into effect from the date of its issue and delivery to the applicant. It also extends to the wife and minor children when they are domiciled or living together, and if no special exceptions were made in regard to them.

Article 9. The widow or the divorced wife of a Swiss citizen who has renounced his nationality, and such children of a former Swiss citizen as were minors at the time of such renunciation, may request from the federal council to be re-admitted as Swiss citizens. This privilege, however, becomes void for the children at the expiration of ten years after their attaining majority; for the widow or divorced wife ten years after the dissolution of the marriage.

The federal council will accord the re-admission if the conditions are fulfilled which are prescribed for naturalization by article 2, page 2, of this law, and if the applicants reside in Switzerland.

The re-admission to Swiss citizenship will enter into effect from the date and issue of the respective document; and the former cantonal or communal citizenship is lawfully re-acquired by it.

The cantonal legislatures can facilitate the re-admission, however, only under the provisions of article 2, page 2, of this law.

iii.—final dispositions.

Article 10. All provisions of federal or cantonal legislation conflicting with this law are abrogated.

The federal council, in accordance with the provisions of the federal law of June 17, 1874, concerning the popular vote on federal laws and decrees, is charged with the publication of this law and with the promulgation of its entry into force. * * *