I will consequently thank you to communicate to the minister for foreign
affairs the facts mentioned in the inclosed letter of the Secretary of the
Navy, and at the same time to request that the thanks of this Government may
be conveyed to Baron Ivanheimer for his humane and generous offer to Captain
Roe on the occasion referred to, and to Dr. da Rocha, who accompanied the
“Lancaster” to this country, for his self-sacrificing spirit in undertaking
a service which promised to be attended with anxiety, severe professional
duty, and with great personal danger.
Mr. Robeson to Mr.
Washington, July 12,
Sir: I have the honor to bring to your notice,
in order that appropriate acknowledgments may be made to whom they are
due, the humane and courteous conduct of Baron Ivanheimer and Dr.
Euclides Alves Ferriera da Rocha, of the Brazilian navy.
The facts are as follows: The U. S. ship Lancaster, Capt. F. A. Roe,
commanding, having completed several years’ service on the coast of
Brazil as flag-ship of our squadron in those waters, sailed from Rio de
Janeiro April 22 for the United States with every prospect of a pleasant
and happy voyage. When a few days out yellow fever appeared on board,
and in rapid succession four of her officers were taken down, among them
the chief medical officer of the ship and one of the assistant surgeons,
the former of whom died at sea and the latter after reaching Bahia. But
one other medical officer remained for duty, and Captain Roe deemed it
prudent, in view of the long distance to his port of destination and the
probability of the disease spreading, to shape his course for Bahia,
some four hundred miles to the westward.
The Lancaster reached Bahia May 9, where the assistant surgeon was
transferred to the hospital and died, as above stated, two days
With upwards of four hundred souls on board, a long distance from home,
the equatorial regions to pass through, and a prospect of the
re-appearance of fever, the Lancaster was in an unfortunate condition,
having but one medical officer on board for duty.
As soon as Baron Ivanheimer, commanding the Brazilian squadron, then at
Bahia, learned of the serious loss sustained by the Lancaster, he
generously tendered to Captain Roe the services of one of his surgeons
of the flag-ship, Dr. da Rocha, to accompany the Lancaster home. Captain
Roe was more than glad to accept the kind offer of the baron, and to be
thus assured of valuable professional services should the fever
re-appear, a contingency most likely to occur.
Happily the disease had disappeared with its last victim, and the
Lancaster reached Hampton Roads June 26 with all well on board.
[Page 22]
Dr. da Rocha, exercising his own pleasure, his services being no longer
required, left the ship at that point, and the Department is most happy
in providing for his comfort and enjoyment while he is in this country,
and will provide for his passage back to his station in the mail-steamer
of the 23d instant from New York, the first opportunity for returning to
his post, and which he proposes to avail himself of.
The kindness and thoughtfulness of Baron Ivanheimer and the
self-sacrificing spirit of Dr. da Rocha, in undertaking a service which
promised to be attended with anxiety, severe professional duty, and
great danger, meet with the Department’s warmest appreciation and
admiration, and I will be much gratified if you will make known to the
government of Brazil, and through it to Baron Ivanheimer and Dr. da
Rocha, the deep sense thus entertained of the aid extended to one of our
ships of war, its officers and crew, in so trying an emergency.
Very respectfully, &c.,
Secretary of the