No. 152.
Mr. Hoffman to Mr. Fish.

No. 122.]

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your dispatch of June 23, No. 904, and to inclose a copy of a note I have today addressed to Lord Derby in pursuance of your instructions.

I have, &c.,

[Inclosure in No. 122.]

Mr. Hoffman to Lord Derby.

My Lord: Referring to my note of the 26th April, I am instructed by Mr. Fish to correct an error in my reading of the cipher-telegram from him, referred to in that note. Your lordship had requested me to ascertain from Mr. Fish whether the United States district court was possessed of certain powers. I wrote accordingly. Mr. Fish replied by telegraph, acknowledging the receipt of my dispatch, and adding “has eight.” This word I deciphered “right.” Substituting the word “eight” for right,” I find that the dispatch could not have been intended to be communicated to your lordship as an answer to your inquiry.

I have, &c.,