No. 132.
Mr. Hoffman to Mr. Fish.

No. 95.]

Sir: I have the honor to forward to you herewith a copy of the only note of importance I have lately received from Lord Derby in the Winslow matter. I add a copy of my reply.

I have, &c.,

[Inclosure 1 in No. 95]

Lord Derby to Mr. Hoffman.


Sir: With reference to my note of the 13th instant, I have the honor to remind you that the hearing of the application for the release of Winslow from custody was postponed for ten days from the 13th instant, and that, as matters stand at present, he will be released on Tuesday, the 23d instant.

Her Majesty’s government would be happy to consider any communication which Mr. Fish might instruct you to make on the subject, after having received my letter to you of the 4th instant; and if no such instructions should have reached you, I would suggest that you should call the attention of your Government, by telegraph, to the date at which Winslow will be released, and should inquire if they have any further communication on the subject to make to Her Majesty’s government.

I have the honor, &c.,

[Inclosure 2 in No. 95.]

Mr. Hoffman to Lord Derby.

My Lord: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of yesterday in reference to the case of Winslow, and to inform you that I have to-day telegraphed to Mr. Fish, in accordance with your suggestion.

I have the honor, &c.,