No. 129.
Mr. Fish to Mr. Hoffman.


Hoffman, Chargé, London:

Lord Derby’s note not received until 17th instant. Public journals report the attorney-general as having said, on 13th, on asking Winslow to be remanded for ten days, that unless reply were received within that time, no further detention would be asked. Lord Derby’s note cannot be replied to by telegraph; no other mode of transmission could put it in London by the 23d.

If the British government is determined to refuse to surrender the fugitive, except on receiving the stipulation demanded, it is right to say to Lord Derby that it is impossible to give the stipulation. The President has not the power, if he were disposed to do so, as will be explained in a reply to his note, now being prepared, and which will be forwarded at an early day.

You will read this to Lord Derby.
