No. 99.
Sir Edward Thornton to Mr. Hunter.

Sir: In compliance with an instruction which I have received from the Earl of Derby, I have the honor to inclose copy of an extract from a report by Major Cameron, the British Commissioner on the late North American Boundary Commission, relative to the assistance rendered him by the Government of the United States and its officers on various occasions, and to convey to that Government the sense entertained by Her Majesty’s government of the courtesy and friendship shown by General Terry, commanding the Missouri Division of the United States Army, to Captain Anderson, the chief astronomer to the Commission, on his arrival at Duluth with a party of royal engineers, as reported by Major Cameron.

I have, &c.,


North American Boundary Commission.—Extract from Major Cameron’s Report.

I have also to acknowledge the courtesy and friendly consideration shown by General Terry, commanding the Missouri division of the United States Army, who, on receiving Captain Anderson’s report of his arrival at Duluth with a detachment of the royal engineers, immediately welcomed him, and offered the services of one of his staff officers to facilitate the journey through Minnesota and Dakota to Pembina.

And here, too, may be a proper place for me to bring to your lordship’s notice the great facilities afforded to me in the execution of Her Majesty’s commission by the Government of the United States, who issued instructions through the customs department to expedite the transmission of stores, &c., for the British party through United States territory.

I have also to note my acknowledgment of the assistance rendered to me by the United States consuls at Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, and Hamilton, and to record the unvarying courtesy and consideration shown to myself and all the members of the British expedition by the United States officials at the ports of entry Detroit, Duluth, and Pembina.